Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company


by Lindsay Price

It’s easy to stick a label on someone. You’re late, you’re a loser. You’re in detention, you’re bad. You’re slow, you’re not smart enough.

We do it every day. We’ve done it in the past, we’ll do it in the future. And these are the kinds of labels that are near-impossible to remove.

In three separate but connected scenes, characters push against the labels stuck on them by others.

About 35 minutes
Times given are approximate and do not include intermissions/scene changes/breaks
25 Characters
3 M | 6 F | 15 Any Gender | 1 Trans Man, Doubling Possible
Simple set
33 pages

What to order?

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Performance Royalty Fees

Royalty fees apply to all performances whether or not admission is charged. Any performance in front of an audience (e.g. an invited dress rehearsal) is considered a performance for royalty purposes.

Exemption details for scenes and monologues for competition.

We accept

In addition to the above payment methods, Purchase Orders are accepted from US and Canadian Schools.

Info for your purchasing department

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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