Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
One Hundred Lies

Production Tips for
One Hundred Lies

by Alan Haehnel

In this poignant comedy, teenager Liz Nostrand presents her life as a competition, complete with scoreboard and time clock. The goal of the game: To dramatize, in only 30 minutes, 100 significant lies told by and to Liz.

By the final buzzer, though, we see that the most crucial lies in Liz's life are those she has told herself.

One Hundred Lies brings you in laughing and sends you out thinking.


Average Producer Rating:

Tips from the Author

One of the biggest challenges in One Hundred Lies has to do with the scorekeeping. It took a very long time to get this aspect of the script all figured out.

Here’s a spreadsheet that schools have found very handy when staging the show. It details every single score change in the script, when the change happens, and what the score is at any given point.

Tips from past Producers

You can make the production aspect as simple or involved as you wish.
Get a real scoreboard. Keep costumes simple. Be sure you have a lead character that can handle the script.

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