Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Pandemic Pancake

Production Tips for
Pandemic Pancake

by Lindsay Price

Pandemic Pancake asks the question: What now? Characters decide, for good and for ill, how they will respond to this evolving new world. Do they find hope? Do they shut down? Do they open doors? Do they strategize long-term? Or do they take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute?

We are no different than the characters in this play. We all must decide “what now?”

This play can be performed virtually, socially distanced or a hybrid of the two.

Dramedy Issue-Based Vignettes

Average Producer Rating:

This is a vignette play! What is a Vignette Play?

Tips from past Producers

The vignette style allowed me to cast student directors for each scene, which gave the students ownership on everything from the rehearsal schedule to the final recordings. 40 students participated in this play, including directors and editors.

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