Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

You need great plays for your students. We can help.

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Displaying items 141-160 of 280 in total
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Use our free Play Concierge service to get hand-picked selections.

Play Concierge

Lose Not Thy Head

by Gary Rodgers

Joan has been sentenced to lose her head for impersonating her famous brother William Shakespeare.

  • About 35 minutes
  • 1 M + 3 F + 9 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 34 pages

A Kidnapped Santa Claus

adapted by Mrs. Evelyn Merritt from L. Frank Baum

Plots and schemes are being hatched to kidnap Santa! That means no toys for good little girls and boys. Adapted from the story by L. Frank Baum.

  • About 45 minutes
  • 3 M + 5 F + 5 Any Gender, plus Ensemble
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools, Middle Schools, and Elementary Schools
  • 44 pages

The Merrie Christmas Show

by Lindsay Price

A group of lively travelling players take you on a spirited adventure through Christmas past and present. Flexible casting, and audience participation.

  • About 30 minutes
  • 3 M + 3 F, Easily Expandable
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 23 pages

Something to Keep us Warm

by Stephen Gregg

A heartbreaking and hilarious one act. How does a family deal with watching one of their own disappear?

  • About 25 minutes
  • 1 M + 3 F + 5 Any Gender, Plus offstage voices
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 23 pages

Santa's Zombie Apocalypse

by Bradley Walton

Santa is trapped by zombies and two reindeer fawns are determined to save the day.

  • About 80 minutes
  • 24 Any Gender, plus optional extras. Can be done with a cast of 9.
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 67 pages

Completely, Absolutely Normal: Vignettes About LGBTQ+ Teens

by Bradley Walton

Ten interconnected vignettes with LGBTQ+ themes.

  • About 35 minutes
  • 1 M + 5 F + 8 M or F + 1 Trans Man
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools

...and a Groundhog in a Pear Tree

book & lyrics by Lindsay Pricemusic by Kristin Gauthier

The Twelve Days of Christmas go on strike. Will the holidays be the same? A one act romp with music.

  • About 45 minutes
  • 3 M + 5 F + 12 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 60 pages


by Lindsay Price

This middle school play looks at the bullied, the bully, and the bystander through mostly non-verbal vignettes.

  • About 30 minutes
  • 4 M + 16 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 33 pages

neeT Teen

by Lindsay Price

A vignette play about teen life – backwards, forwards and inside-out. Told through a variety of forms: kitchen sink, absurd, movement and song.

  • About 35 minutes
  • 4 M + 6 F, Easily Expandable
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 40 pages

The Pauper Princess

by Holly Beardsley inspired by Mark Twain

A retelling of Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper.

  • About 75 minutes
  • 10 M + 28 F + 34 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 71 pages


by Wendy-Marie Martin

A beautiful character piece with three strong female leads.

  • About 35 minutes
  • 6 M + 6 F + 1 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 33 pages

The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note

by Lindsay Price

Jake finds a suicide note in his mailbox. Is it real? Is it a joke? Jake is determined to find out but instead learns a secret he didn't want to know.

  • About 45 minutes
  • 4 M + 5 F + 2 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 34 pages

Cobweb Dreams - One Act Version

by Lindsay Price

Cobweb dreams of a different life, away from Titania's train.

  • About 35 minutes
  • 2 M + 12 F + 5 Any Gender
  • Unit set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 42 pages

Have You Heard?

by Krista Boehnert

This monologue-based play explores what happens when rumours and secrets spin out of control. What makes a secret more powerful: when it's true or a lie?

  • About 45 minutes
  • 2 M + 3 F
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 24 pages


translated by Lindsay Price from Everyman by Anonymous

A modern translation of the original text

  • About 30 minutes
  • 17 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 24 pages

Tuna Fish Eulogy

by Lindsay Price

The tragedy of a young boy's death is examined. Written in the Ladder play format the text runs in vertical columns for fuller choral work.

  • About 40 minutes
  • 1 M + 2 F + 1 Any Gender, Easily Expandable
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 40 pages

Virtual Family

by Christian Kiley

A look at a soothing world where complete dependency on technology takes away all ills. But is everything really perfect?

  • About 30 minutes
  • 5 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 28 pages

Stand Alone: Monologues for Guys

edited by Lindsay Price

19 monologues for competition, classwork, and auditions.

  • 19 M
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 52 pages

Moonbow Miraculous: Competition-Length Version

by Kirk Shimano

If someone has a secret they’ve been clutching to their heart, the moonbow’s glow will give them the courage to share their true selves

  • About 20 minutes
  • 8 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 21 pages

Middle School Monologues: Guys

edited by Lindsay Price

A collection of middle school monologues for boys. All monologues from published Theatrefolk plays.

  • 20 M
  • Recommended for Middle Schools
  • 55 pages

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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