Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spread the Love: Deck the Stage by Lindsay Price

This week on Spread the Love, Lindsay and Craig talk about Deck the Stage, a Christmas/Vignette play by Lindsay Price.

Click here if you can’t see the video above.


It’s Christmas month here on Spread the Love! Why, you may ask, is August and not December, Christmas month?

That’s a good question.

Let me answer it for you. We actually get a lot of requests and a lot of orders at the beginning of the school year for Christmas plays. So, why not share our Christmas wares, starting with Deck the Stage. Deck the Stage is our Christmas version of a vignette play. It is a lovely mix of slap stick, poignant and a little bit weird – which of course are all staples in the Theatrefolk canon. Craig what do you love about Deck the Stage?

I love the flexibility of Deck the Stage. The play is composed of six shorter plays, all loosely based on Christmas carols. And the plays are all independent of each another. So what that means is you could perform anywhere from 1 to 6 of the plays with a running time of anywhere from five minutes long to a full two-act play. And as a special bonus some people bring in the school choir to sing the relevant Christmas carol before that play.

What I also love about Deck the Stage is that it was written for a Christmas play but parts of it are performed year-round. Some of the two-person scenes and monologues for example, they’re constantly wowing the judges at monologue and scene competitions. Lindsay, what do you love about Deck the Stage?

I love its variety. I’m big on variety and there is so much in this play. Variety of content, variety of character, this is not your typical Christmas fare. Where else are you going to get all in one package: the true story of the Three Kings, a girl’s heart breaking confession of her true feelings for the holidays, a cat who eats tinsel and a first grade teacher’s Christmas concert melt down. This would make for an really great class project where everyone at every level can be involved. That’s it for Spread the Love. And Merry Christmas!

Products referenced in this post: Deck the Stage!

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