Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spread the Love: Look Me in the Eye by Lindsay Price

This week on Spread the Love, Craig talks about Look Me in the Eye, a futuristic drama by Lindsay Price.


Welcome to Spread the Love. This week I’m talking about “Look Me In the Eye” by Lindsay Price.

Look Me in the Eye is a futuristic play of sorts. It envisions a future in which teenagers are forced into obedience by attending observation sessions. Here they observe the fates of those who are not “in compliance.” The exact infractions aren’t specified in the script but it’s implied it can be just about anything.

One of the characters finds herself at a crossroads when she realizes that she’s about to “observe” the fate of her brother, who is being punished through no fault of his own. Does she risk her life and take a stand against society? Or does she remain in compliance?

This is a wonderful character development piece. Despite the oppressiveness of society, we still find hope in the characters of the teenagers. They are every bit as full of life, every bit as full of dreams and goals as contemporary teens.

This is a nice, short, tight competition piece for seven strong actors. Have a look at Look Me In the Eye.

And that’s it for Spread the Love!

Products referenced in this post: Look Me in the Eye

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