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Hierarchy and Marketing Plan

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 1, VIDEO 2 So whose job is it to market your show? Lets look at a typical chain of command in a school theatre. You can see that the business manager reports to the director/producer. In some schools, these are one and the same person,...

Involving Your School and Community

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 1, VIDEO 3 Were back at the Loretto Hilton Center at Webster University, where Opera Theatre of St. Louis is gearing up for their season. As you look around, you can see a large tent and several smaller tents, along with seating and tables. Opera...

PSAs and News Releases

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 Make use of all the electronic events calendars on the internet, since that seems to be the place people go first nowadays. The key to using any news release, or public service announcement, also called a PSA , is accuracy. The title,...


Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 2 Most schools depend on flyers or posters around the campus and the community. If you are designing these, remember, they represent your show and should look professional. They dont need to be expensive slicks, but, again, they must have accurate information; WHO,...

Fine Arts and Boosters Club

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 3 A Fine Arts Booster Club can provide a lot of support for your theatre program. A good example is the Fine Arts Booster Club at Hazelwood West High School in St. Louis, Missouri. This group of parents, teachers, and administrators has raised...

Patron Programs

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 4 Another way to expand community support is by organizing a patron program. It was reported in Megatrends 2000 that a vibrant arts community contributes to healthy community growth, so you will find the Chamber of Commerce to be supportive of efforts to...

Producing and Selling Tickets

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 3, VIDEO 1 Some school theatre programs invest a great deal of time in fundraisers, candy sales, bake sales, car washes, and running concessions stands, but, your best fundraiser is selling tickets because it serves a dual purpose. Not only do you gain income, you...

Producing Tickets

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 3, VIDEO 2 The tickets themselves can be produced modestly on a copy machine using card stock, on a computerized system your theatre can purchase, or they can be secured through ticket companies which specialize in this task. There are many companies that do this....


Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 4, VIDEO 1 Tickets are not the only important print publication for your productionthe program has long been used to inform the patrons about the show they are seeing, and it can be used to educate your audience as well. These publications should represent your...

Production Budgets

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 5, VIDEO 1 Every show and every season must have a budget. Most people are amazed at how expensive it is to produce a play or musical. Some production expenses are pretty well fixed, like royalties and rentals. Royalties are money that is paid to...

House Manager/House Staff Responsibilities

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 6, VIDEO 1 Okay, now that we have walked through some of the pre-show preparation, lets turn our attention to the actual time of the performance. Not only do the actors and the production team need to rehearse, so does the house crew. Having a...

Building Your Program

Practical Technical Theatre

BUSINESS & HOUSE MANAGEMENT LESSON 6, VIDEO 2 We have talked about selling tickets and running an efficient, business-like theatre, but we cannot ignore the fact that you need a quality product to sell. One of the reasons Opera Theatre of St. Louis sells out almost every performance is that...

Commercial Theatre and Not-For-Profit

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 Since this program is all about making a living in theatre, its important to have an idea where the money comes from to pay salaries and all the other costs of producing a show. The producers of a show have the ultimate responsibility...

Theatrical Unions

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 3, VIDEO 1 Now that we know who might be hiring you, lets take a look at the different theatrical unions. The following are quick descriptions of what different people do and what union they belong to. There are lots of benefits from belonging to a...

Jobs in Professional Theatre

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 4, VIDEO 1 So what do we mean by a career in theatre? By a career, we mean that you can make a living doing theatre. Now, some jobs in theatre allow for a regular Monday through Friday, 40-hour week, but many theatre professionals go from...

Jobs in Professional Theatre

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 5, VIDEO 1 Were going to go back to the Rep to look at their artistic staff. The artistic director in a not-for-profit theatre has one of the most difficult jobs in all of theatre. In commercial theatres, the producers discuss what show to produce, and...

Regional and New York Productions

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 6, VIDEO 1 While the cast and crews at the Rep, except for the scenic artists, rehearse and work within walking distance of the Loretto Hilton Center and its two stages, in New York, sets, costumes, props, and so forth, are built in different shops, all...

Producing Organizations: Educational Theatre

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 6, VIDEO 2 Thousands of people make a living in educational theatre. The three most common types of educational theatre are elementary and secondary theatre, community college theatre, and university theatre. You are probably pretty familiar with the first branch, elementary and secondary school theatre. The...


Practical Technical Theatre

Ben Nordstrom

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 7, VIDEO 1 Joining me now is Ben Nordstrom, an Equity actor, working out of the St. Louis area and beyond. Bens worked as an Equity actor for the last 15 years. Tell us a little bit about that experience. BEN: Well, after finishing college and...
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