by Craig Mason
by Matt Webster
by Jennine Profeta
Part of Script Analysis: The Actor's Perspective Unit
by Karen Loftus
Part of Lighting Unit
by Josh Hatt
Part of Lighting Unit
by Josh Hatt
by Lindsay Price
Part of Unit Six: Directed Scenes Take 1: Same Scene, Different Visions Unit
by Lindsay Johnson
by Drama Teacher Academy
Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Candice McMath, Lea Marshall
Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Karen Loftus
Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Matt Banaszynski, Gai Jones
Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price
Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Elizabeth Holbrook
Our parent company Theatrefolk offers a fantastic selection of plays written specifically for high school and middle school students.
Whether for performances or class study, there's something for everyone: relevant & relatable themes, simple sets & costumes, flexible casting options and much more - a perfect addition to any drama program!