Items tagged "Live Plc"

1 Resource and 117 PLCs tagged "Live Plc" for Drama Teachers.


How to Execute the Empathy Project (PLC)

Join teachers who have used, adapted, and successfully led the Empathy Project with their students, and add this powerful tool to your classroom management toolkit.


Technical Theatre

Hosted by Matt Webster and Karen Loftus

If you struggle with tech or want to share your ideas for teaching tech, this is the event for you. Hosted by DTA Instructors Matt Webster and Karen Loftus. Recorded July 23, 2015

School Startup - Session One

Hosted by Karen Loftus, Matt Webster, and Jennine Profeta

Learn about the most important things for the first week of school - from ice breaker games, to classroom procedures, to setting the tone from Day 1. Watch this replay to learn tips and tricks to start your school year off on the right foot! Hosted by DTA instructors Karen Loftus, Lindsay Price, Jennine Profeta, and Matt Webster. Recorded on August 14th, 2015 at 2pm.

School Startup - Session Two

Hosted by Matt Webster and Todd Espeland

Get your students to say "YES" Tips for getting your classes started on the right foot by getting buy-in from your students. Learn how to start small, the importance of scaffolding, and some great first-week of school games to get your students engaged. Hosted by DTA instructors Todd Espeland and Matt Webster. Recorded on August 14, 2015 at 8pm.

Tech Hacks: Tips and tricks to make your production a technical success!

Hosted by Matt Webster and Holly Beardsley

Technical Theatre Tips Tips for set design, costuming, lighting, and more! Dealing with small budgets, overcoming obstacles, and making the most of what you have. BONUS material at the end of the PLC! Hosted by DTA instructors Holly Beardsley, Matt Webster, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on September 15, 2015 at 8pm.

Curriculum 911

Hosted by Matt Webster and Karen Loftus

Curriculum 911 Curriculum planning help for drama teachers - lesson planning, how to integrate cross-curricular activities, resources, and more! Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on October 6, 2015 at 8pm.

Rock your next Rehearsal

Hosted by Matt Webster & Jeremy Bishop

Your rehearsal questions and challenges addressed! Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster and Lindsay Price, and special guest - DTA member and teacher Jeremy Bishop. Recorded on October 20, 2015 at 8pm.


Hosted by Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, Heather Brandon

Getting ready for competition - from teachers who've been there! How to make it a fun, engaging, and productive experience for you and your students, no matter what the 'score'. Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, DTA member Heather Brandon, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on November 10, 2015 at 8pm

Theatre as a Social Voice

Hosted by Joe Norton

Joe Norton leads the workshop "Theatre as a Social Voice" with our guests, and gives examples from his experience leading this workshop with students. There are lots of great questions asked and discussion starters that you can bring into your classroom or theatre program. Hosted by Joe Norton, joined by Billy Houck, Christian Kiley, Karen Loftus, Lindsay Price, and Christa Vogt. Recorded on December 15, 2015 at 8pm


Hosted by Matt Webster, Roxane Caravan, Tricia Oliver

Our host and panel discuss budgets, production options, student/parent contracts, and the tips that make staging a musical worthwhile. Hosted by Matt Webster, joined by Tricia Oliver, Roxane Caravan, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on January 12, 2016 at 8pm


Hosted by Matt Webster

What makes us reluctant or afraid to fundraise? How can we involve the students, community, and reach beyond to get resources for our programs? Listen in to find out and hear some great ideas from our hosts and participants! The discussion is led by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, and Kristin Caraway. Recorded February 1, 2016.


Hosted by Matt Webster, Gai Jones, and Carolyn Greer

How do you advocate for yourself and your theatre program? Listen in to find out and hear some great ideas from our hosts and participants! The discussion is led by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones, and Carolyn Greer. Recorded February 16, 2016.

Musicals: Rehearsals

Hosted by Matt Webster

You've got the rights, the music, the script... now where do you start with your student actors? Learn from Matt Webster, Craig Mason, Cindy Sams and Tricia Oliver as they lead you through how to get rehearsals started and the process up to opening night. Recorded on March 8, 2016.

Engaging the Non-Theatre Student

Hosted by Matt Webster, Matt Banaszynski, and Lea Marshall

Learn from our guest panel how to engage even the most reluctant "non-theatre" student. Matt Webster hosts, joined by Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, and Matt Banaszynski. Recorded on March 22, 2016.

Production Pitfalls

Hosted by Matt Webster, Jeremy Bishop, and Heather Brandon

Production Pitfalls. We all know about how much fun the ups are, but how do we deal with the downs when we’re producing a play? What production pitfalls do YOU need help with? What was your biggest production-related frustration this year? The discussion is led by Matt Webster, one of our awesome DTA instructors. Joining us are two DTA members: Jeremy Bishop and Heather Brandon. Recorded June 25, 2015


Hosted by Matt Webster, Jeremy Bishop, and Heather Brandon

A recording of our live online PLC just for DTA members How do you get get commitment (from students, parents, and administration) in order to make your program the best it can be? The discussion is led by Matt Webster, one of our awesome DTA instructors. Joining us are two DTA members: Jeremy Bishop and Heather Brandon. Recorded July 9, 2015

Staging Scenes in the Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Shelby Steege, Jeremy Bishop

Best practices for staging scenes in the drama classroom.

Office Hours with Drama Educators

Hosted by Matt Webster, Jennine Profeta, Karen Loftus, Kellie Riganti

It’s Q&A time. We’ve got experienced educators in improv, ensemble building, classroom management, playwriting, production, stage management and the day-to-day running of a drama classroom. Bring your questions and we’ll answer them together.

Let's get physical

Hosted by Matt Webster, Allison Williams

Join us for tips and tricks on getting your students to make bold physical choices in their work.

Theatre as a dumping ground

Hosted by Matt Webster, Claire Broome, Christian Kiley, Lindsay Price

Are your theatre classes a “dumping ground”? Some kids choose your class but others are placed there by admin or counsellors? Join us for a chat about a) how to manage classes like these and b) how to prevent your classroom from becoming a dumping ground.

Keeping all the balls in the air - time management for drama teachers

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Jeremy Bishop

Drama teachers have a lot on their plates. Between classroom, duties, meetings, rehearsals, and productions, the days are very full. How can you balance all these responsibilities and do them well?

Planning your Season

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Kellie Riganti

You’ve got kids, you’ve got plays, you’ve got administrators, you’ve got an audience. What you don’t have is a season! How do you plan a season that will satisfy everyone?

First Time in the drama classroom: Where do you start?

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Colin Oliver, Stacey Boone

If you’re a first-time drama teacher (or a first time teacher!) this is the PLC for you! Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of getting started. How do you launch a new program? What topics should you cover? How do you attract students to your new program? How is teaching theatre different from any other subject. If you’re a more experienced teacher, come help mentor the newbies. Join us with your stories of starting out. What do YOU wish you knew when you first started?

Class Size: Too Big / Too Small

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Steven Stack, Jeremy Bishop

Do you sometimes feel like Goldilocks? This class is too big! This class is too small! How do you make your class feel just right? Join us to talk about how to zero in on adapting and adjusting your curriculum based on the size of your class.

Getting Students Out of Their Comfort Zone

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Tricia Oliver, Jessica Stafford

It’s the beginning of the year and you have a classroom full of nervous students. I can’t do improv. I can’t act in front of the class. I can’t share an idea because everyone will laugh. How do you improve engagement levels in your classroom? How do you get students out of their comfort zone?

Taking your students to festivals & competitions

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Craig Branch, Winston Sims

Learn from teachers who've been there, done that - the ins and outs of taking your students to festivals and competitions. What should students aim to get out of the experience? What pitfalls should you avoid? Turn it into a memorable, positive experience for all involved.

Pitching a "Dangerous" Show

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster

You’ve found the perfect play for your kids but there’s just one problem… some of the themes/language might raise eyebrows. Will raise eyebrows. Your administration doesn’t like it. Parents don’t like it. But you know it’s important to do work that tackles tough subjects. Your students know it’s important too. In cases like these, it’s better to get in front of the issue than behind it. Join us as we discuss best practices for communicating with your administrators, your parents, and your community.

Drama Classroom Reboot

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

The holidays are upon us. Whether you’ll be meeting a new group of students in January, or you’re at the midway point, now’s the time to reassess, refocus, and reboot your classroom.

Technology in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Anna Porter, Ray Palasz

Technology is everywhere. Are you encouraged (or expected) to use technology in your classroom? Join this tips & tricks sharing session where we’ll discuss best practices for integrating technology in your classroom, sometimes in unexpected ways! Bring your best tips to the chat room so we can all learn together.

Planning Your Best Rehearsal

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Claire Broome

A solid rehearsal process is the foundation of every successful show. How can you design your rehearsals to get the maximum result from your limited time? Our panel will bring their best rehearsal tactics and problem-solving strategies.

Leaping Lesson Plans! Shaping lessons to suit your classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Bryan Curran

Getting lesson plans is easy. Adapting them can be challenging. Join us for a conversation on modifying and shaping existing lesson plans to meet the needs of your classroom.

Tackling Difficult Characters Head-On

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Alicia Green, Amy Patel

How do you encourage students to delve deep into difficult, perhaps ugly characters, characters who do and say things your students normally wouldn’t? We’ll be talking about character and script analysis, separation of actor and character, and we’ll learn how to recognize the external nature of the work. How do we prepare our actors and our school environment ready for challenging roles?

Marketing Your Show

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Candice McMath, Lea Marshall

Your show dates are booked, your cast and crew are hard at work… all you need now is an audience! The question is, how do you get it? Join us for a discussion with seasoned pros on how to market your show, learn unique ways to get the community involved, and walk away with tools that will help you make your production a sell-out.

Avoiding Burnout

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lori Grant, Jeremy Bishop

It’s spring and it’s burnout season for drama teachers - shows are in full swing, assessments are looming, and work/life balance is almost impossible to find. Join us to talk about how to avoid burnout, keep your eye on the prize, and learn some tips and tricks to make sure you find time for YOU during this busy season.

Planning for the New Year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Bekah Schneider, Lea Marshall

Spring is still in full swing, but it’s already time to start looking to the fall. Believe it or not, this is the time for choosing plays, and to start adjusting your curriculum for your next group of drama students. It’s never to early to get organized and start checking things off of that to-do list for next year. This will be a discussion of the do’s and don’ts of planning ahead.

Assessing Performance

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Christa Vogt

The school year is rapidly winding down and you’re knee-deep in assessment, rubrics, and reflections. But as a drama teacher, you also have performances to worry about. Which begs the question: What’s the best way to assess performance? This is the time to discuss strategies with our expert panel, and share your own best practices, as well as ways to fairly assess the performance aspect of the drama classroom.

Year-End Post-Mortem

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Jeremy Bishop

As the year that just finished rides slowly into the sunset, (or mercifully falls off a cliff!) this is the time to take a minute and reflect on the highs and lows of your classes and productions from this past year. What new things did you try? What worked? What didn’t? How can I make it better and what are my goals for the coming year? Join our panel for a discussion on the process of looking backwards and moving forward.

Creating the Ensemble-Based Classroom Q&A

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones, Debb Adams

Join us for a discussion on Creating the Ensemble-Based Classroom. We'll have course instructor Gai Jones live to answer your questions about this DTA course, and about how this type of classroom can work for you and your students!

Addressing Curriculum

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Bekah Schneider, Matt Banaszynski

The new school year is looming large on the horizon. It’s time to check the standards, examine your curriculum and write some lesson plans. But how do you make sure that those lesson plans actually advance your curriculum and meet the standards? This PLC will examine how to create and execute a curriculum that meets both the needs of your classroom and the requirements of standards.

Setting up your classroom for the year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Maria Smith

Summer has flown by and any day now your students will be coming through the door. Are you ready for them? Is your classroom?? Believe it or not, much of the success the coming school year will depend on how you set up your classroom now. Discipline, organization, concentration and classroom management all hinge on a well planned classroom space. Whether you teach in a classroom, a theatre, or something in between, this is a PLC that will help you put your best space forward!

Awesome Auditions

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Karen Loftus

How did your latest round of auditions go? Smooth sailing or full of choppy seas? This PLC will dive into best practices with the audition process whether it be for your spring musical or your next classroom production. Bring your best tips to share in the chat room.

Assessment Planning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson, Maria Smith

It’s never too early for assessment planning. The work currently being done in your classroom is providing a baseline of growth throughout the year, but if you don’t capture this data right now, you can’t present it to your administration when it is time to assess your program. Join us for a discussion of tips and strategies when it comes to assessments in your classroom.

Playwriting in the Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Scott Giessler, Christian Kiley

Want to try a playwriting unit but have no idea where to start? Or have you tried introducing playwriting in the past but didn’t get the results you hoped for? We’ve got a great panel of playwright/teachers who are here to share their most successful approaches and strategies.

Fear of Failure

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones, Amy Patel

Does your lizard brain make itself heard loud and clear? Do you sometimes feel like you’re living in your very own version of The Play That Goes Wrong? Or The Class That Goes Wrong? You are not alone. Let’s get together and discover how to plan for and even embrace failure. Failure can be a good thing for both you and your students!

Theatre History

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Wendy-Marie Martin

Theatre History should be a part of every drama curriculum. But with all the plays and dates and people and places how do you avoid a month of textbooks, tests, and learning by rote? How do you make theatre history come alive in your classroom? Can you make it active? Can you make it fun? Join us for this discussion on bringing the past to life in the present.

Staging and Stage Pictures

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Shelby Steege

The spring production season is upon us and shows are starting the rehearsal process. The cornerstone of any good production is good blocking, because good blocking makes good stage pictures. But are you using blocking to its maximum effect? Join us for a conversation about blocking and staging that is sure to spark your imagination.

Low Budget Solutions

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Jane McEneaney

You have a script, you have a space, you have some actors. What you don’t have is money! Can you still do a show? Will it be any good? Is there a way to get Broadway effects on a Main street budget? Join us to talk about low budget solutions to typical theatre problems and pinch those pennies ‘til they sing!


Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Matt Banaszynski, Gai Jones

Monologues are the backbone of the performance process. They are a super-concentrated way for students to learn such skills as memorization, characterization, objective and tactics. But how does a teacher juggle 20+ monologues at a time and still give the kind of feedback that will help their students improve? Join us for a discussion about monologues in the drama classroom and find out how it’s done.

Late Rehearsal Techniques

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jeremy Bishop, Lea Marshall

Your show opens in a week, but your kids aren’t ready, or worse still, they were ready a week ago! How do you keep them focused and fresh? How do you push them over the finish line? How does this seem to happen every year?? Join us for a conversation about ways to manage your rehearsals late into the rehearsal process so that everything comes together just right in the end.

The Art of Saying No

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jane McEneaney, Bekah Schneider

Being a teacher makes its hard to say no. Being a Drama teacher makes it almost impossible! Drama teachers wear so many hats - instructor, director, designer, councilor (not to mention parent and partner!) that there is always something, or someone, that needs your time and attention. It’s just a matter of time before a ball is dropped and everything comes crashing down. It’s no wonder that drama teachers burn out! With so many people and projects fighting for your time how do you find balance? Sometimes you just have to say…No! Join us to talk about finding balance between life, work and art.

What’s Your Problem Q&A

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Steven Stack, Christa Vogt

Drama teachers are professional problem solvers. Give a Drama teacher some cardboard, a staple gun and a can of green beans and they can take over the world! However, sometimes you get stuck on a problem and just don’t know where to turn. That’s where we come in! Send us your questions and we will access the hive-mind to maximum effect. In this special PLC we help solve your most nagging problems and get you back on track.

Year End Post-Mortem

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Jane McEneaney

Reflection is a fundamental component of teaching. It is also a cornerstone of running a successful program or production. It can be hard to ask the tough questions once the year is over and all you want to do is just forget it all and move on. But that post-mortem is where the real learning happens! When you reflect on the successes and failures of the previous season or year, you bypass future mistakes before they have a chance to take root, and sow the seeds of a successful new year. So join us for the Year End Post-Mortem: What did you try, what did you skip, what worked, what didn’t. It’s time to build the foundations of the new year on the ashes of the old.

Summer Planning - The 3 R’s

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Amy Patel

Summer is upon us and it is time to plan how we are going to spend those glorious months! Rest? Relax? Recuperate? Of course! But also Read, Recharge and Reimagine! These summer months are a great time to take a breath and recover from the stresses of the previous year, but they are also a great time to apply some professional “Me Time” in order to get you excited and prepared for the year to come. Remember: A small investment in the summer will pay big returns during the school year. This PLC will cover some of the summertime basics that will get you charged up and ready to tackle a new year.

Setting the Tone in a Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson

When a student walks through the door of your classroom for the first time, they are looking for clues as to what kind of teacher you are and what kind of classroom you run. Whether they are expecting a serious Drama experience or unstructured "play-time", they will know within the first five minutes of the first day what kind of class this is, and what kind it isn't. And they will know it based solely on the tone you set on DAY ONE! So join us for this special PLC on setting the tone in your drama classroom, and be prepared for whoever walks through your door...

Kicking off the New School Year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Shelby Steege

The new school year is a few weeks in, and we are using this PLC to count down the most important preparations you can implement right from the beginning. From setting up your classroom, to setting goals/rules/responsibilities, to the best games and activities to engage new students, this PLC will prepare you to blast off to a successful new year!

Dealing with 'that kid' in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall

Every teacher will tell you that the hardest part of teaching is dealing with 'That kid'. The kid who has a rotten attitude. The kid who is disruptive. The kid that won't participate. The kid who just doesn't care. Every teacher can tell you a story about 'That kid'. They are the kid we obsess over, lose sleep over, and cry over. Teaching careers have ended because of 'That kid'. Join us for a very special PLC to discuss the best way to deal with 'That kid'.

Technology in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Heather Brandon, Jessica McGettrick

Nothing says "21st Century Teacher" like the skillful use of technology in the classroom. But for theatre teachers, it can be challenging to find technology that benefits our students and enhances our lessons. That's why we are dedicating this PLC to the use of technology in the drama classroom. We will explore such programs as Google Tools and Google Classroom, as well as other beneficial technology for classroom and stage. So join us to talk tech and face the 21st century head on!


Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Amy Patel, Jessica Fagerstrom

You and your students want a good story and script, even if you have to write it yourselves! But what does that look like? Who's in control? How would that work? How exactly do you devise new work with students? Join us in this PLC on Devising to learn the ins and outs of generating new works with your students.

Student Leadership

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Colin Oliver

Drama teachers often face a difficult dilemma: There are times when you need to be two or three places at once, and you need back up. But where can you turn for help? How about your class roster! Never underestimate the power of a dedicated student leader. By delegating duties and assigning responsibilities to your trusted students, you give yourself some breathing room, and you give them valuable leadership experience. Join us for this PLC on Student Leadership and set up your back up.

Fall Post-Mortem

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As the fall semester comes to a close it's a great time to take a quick look back at the recently concluded term, and take note of what went well and what could be improved next time. From discipline, to curriculum to productions, there is always something to learn and a new semester is a great time to either continue full speed ahead - or press the reset button! Join us for a review of the semester that was.

To Cancel or Not to Cancel

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Jeremy Bishop, Jessica Fagerstrom

Your show opens in a week and it is a train wreck! Actors aren’t off book, the set is just a pile of lumber, and you haven’t sold a single advanced ticket. Cancelling the show is the only option. Or is it…? Cancelling a show is one of the hardest decisions any drama teacher has to make, and it should never be taken lightly. Join us as we hash out the pros and cons of cancelling a show (or not!).

Challenging Parents

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Jessica McGettrick

The only thing worse than a problem student, is a problem parent! Whether they are being woefully unsupportive, painfully overeager, or anything in between, it is a challenge to dial in the exact amount of parent involvement that will benefit your program. Join us for a conversation about dealing with parents so you can solve any problems BEFORE they start.

Continuing Education

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt

Every good teacher knows that learning never stops. That’s why teachers are always looking for ways to improve their education and expand their horizons. Unfortunately drama teachers are limited in time, subjects and resources, and need some help when it comes to continuing education. That’s where we come in! Join us for a discussion about the ins and outs of continuing education for drama teachers.

Interpreting Adjudicators

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones

Taking a show to competition is always a roller coaster ride. But the highs and lows of performance don't stop when the curtain comes down: You still have to unravel the adjudicators comments and find a way to make them meaningful to your students! Join us for a talk about talkbacks, and learn to interpret that special language we call "Adjudication".

School Year End Postmortem

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Christa Vogt

Another school year comes to an end and that means it's time for the annual house cleaning we call a Postmortem. Why do a Postmortem? Because - The past is prologue and the future is closer than you think! Join us as we talk about the good and the bad, the do's and the don'ts, of this last year. We'll do it with a handle on the past and an eye to the future.

Seeking Inspiration

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Jessica Fagerstrom

Summer is in full swing and we would all like to recharge our batteries for the coming school year. Everyone could use some inspiration to prepare for a successful new year, but where do we look? Conferences? The library? Broadway? The possibilities are as varied as our free time and budget, so put on your summer yoga pants and jump into this conversation about finding inspiration, both artistic and academic, that will propel you into a new year.

School Startup

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Tricia Oliver, Jeremy Bishop

Summer is winding down and a new year is gearing up! With the start of a new school year comes the annual check lists of Must Do, Should Do and Want to Do. Deciding what goes in each list will create the structure and set the tone for your entire year. Join us for a conversation, and preliminary planning session, that will list the lists and bring focus to the coming months.

Admin & Advocacy

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Claire Broome

You have worked hard to build a quality program that excites students and benefits the community. But somehow, your great accomplishments are hardly ever noticed by your administration. Why does that happen? And what can you do to change it?! In this PLC we tackle the question: "How do advocate for your program and be as visible as possible to your admin?" Join us, and finally be noticed!

Rehearsal Ruts

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Jessica Fagerstrom

We are heading deep into rehearsal season and you can already feel the monotony starting to build: Rehearse, Review, Repeat. Rehearse, Review, Repeat. You are falling into a Rehearsal Rut. Never fear! We have just the conversation to shake up your routine and give your rehearsals a much needed shot in the arm. Get on board and get out of that rut!


Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson, Shelby Steege

Assessing students is always a challenge, but in the Drama classroom it's a challenge on top of a challenge! We assess knowledge, of course, but we also assess commitment, skill and performance. Assessment is fundamental to education, but the how and why of assessment differs from classroom to classroom, and lesson to lesson. Join us as we navigate the twists and turns of Assessment in the Drama Classroom.


Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Jessica Fagerstrom

There's no getting around it: Running a Drama program costs money! Besides a never-ending need for props, costumes and scenery, we also spend money on scripts, rights and travel to contests and festivals. It's enough to break the bank! As much as we may hate the thought of fundraising, sometimes it's the only way to keep a programs afloat. That's why this PLC is dedicated to the art, craft and strategy of raising funds. So break out your receipt book and join the conversation!

Classroom Management

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Maria Smith, Claire Broome

We are halfway through the school year and it is time to assess which classroom management strategies are working, and which ones should be left in the rear view mirror. When classroom discipline has been less than ideal, the new year is a great time to hit the reset button. With a new semester comes new opportunities to fine tune your classroom management and get your classes ship shape. If your students are driving you crazy, this is the PLC for you!

Looking Ahead to the New Year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

This coming school year will be, in a word, unprecedented. It doesn't matter if you are a 30 year veteran or a brand new college grad, teachers have never faced the kinds of challenges that await them when classes start in the fall: Will classes be in person? What will our curriculum look like? Are productions possible? How do we keep our students safe? How do we keep OURSELVES safe? We don't know what this new year will look like, but we know one thing - Teachers will figure it out! We are going to roll up our sleeves, put on our thinking caps, and tap into our unlimited creativity to come up with a plan for ourselves, our students and our programs. Set a reminder in your calendar because you don't want to miss this PLC!

Distance Learning: Playwriting

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

Playwriting is an easy to adapt activity for distance learning. But there are still some obstacles: how do you deal with writing insecurity? How do you handle peer feedback? How do you present work digitally? Playwright Lindsay Price will take you through exercises and a game plan for incorporating playwriting into your distance learning framework.

Distance Learning: Check In

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Bekah Schneider

As many teachers take on a new and unexpected challenge of teaching remotely, we will take this PLC to check in, share tips and tricks, and offer support to each other.

Distance Learning: Monologue Writing

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

Monologue writing is an activity that is easily adaptable for distance learning. It’s also something that students can do without technology. Join us for a walk through a "no internet necessary" monologue writing project with added video conferencing options.

Distance Learning: Check In

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As many teachers take on a new and unexpected challenge of teaching remotely, we will take this PLC to check in, share tips and tricks, and offer support to each other.

Adapting a DTA course for Distance Learning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Steven Stack

As we face the prospect of not seeing our students again for the rest of the year, it is time to start thinking about how to retool traditional lessons for distance learning classrooms. For this PLC we'll be talking to Steven Stack, author of the DTA course The Empathetic Classroom to answer the question: How do you adapt something that was made for classroom instruction, into something suitable for distance learning? Check in for our tips and ideas!

Self-Care and Wellness

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Gai Jones

Right now teachers are being stretched thin. In this crisis they are expected to be counsellors, curriculum developers, IT specialists, cheerleaders and everything else their students need. Not to mention all the hats they wear at home for their own families. Teachers are taking care of everyone, but who is taking care of them! When you talk about caring for teachers, you need to start with self care. Because you can't take care of everyone else unless you first take care of yourself. So take a break, put on your favorite yoga pants, and join us for an energizing discussion on Self Care and Wellness.

Virtual Performances

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Christa Vogt

The closing of schools forced a lot of teachers to move their productions online or to an alternative performance model. This shift to virtual performances challenged directors with a whole new set of questions: Does the show have to be live streamed? Can I capture the performance? Is there a way to design lights and sound online? What about costumes? What about radio plays? How do I edit my virtual performance? So many questions! That's why we have dedicated an entire PLC to the ins and outs of virtual performances. We will talk with teachers who have successfully navigated these uncharted waters and learn the tricks and tips that will make your online production shine!

Distance Learning: Check In 3

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Karen Loftus

Ready or not, the new school year started. And what a start! We were confronted with a mind-boggling array of unknowns and tackled them with a mix of trepidation and creative moxie. Because as drama teachers, that's what we do: We solve problems. And then we share our brilliant solutions with our fellow drama teachers because it takes a village. And we are Village DTA! We are here to help because when one of us succeeds, ALL of us succeed. So join the village for a start-of-year "check-in" where we will talk to drama teachers about the struggles and solutions they have faced so far.

Distance Learning: Check In 4

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Claire Broome

Mid-September and the school year start has been like no other. Whether you're teaching at a 'social distance', mask on, or you've got a hybrid situation, or you're fully remote, we are all in this together. Checking in with our panellists and fellow teachers is a great way to ground yourself, to get those affirmations that we're all doing the best we can, and to share the struggles with people who really 'get it'. Join us to check in on the school year so far.

Online Rehearsal Strategies

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones, Quincy Young

Theatre teachers and their students are ready and eager to rehearse their fall shows. There's just one problem: How do you have a rehearsal when nobody is in the same room?? Holding a virtual rehearsal raises a lot of questions - Should the entire cast be called? Are warm ups really necessary? Can your stage manager work in virtual break- out rooms with small groups? And what time of day (or night) might work best for maximum involvement? It's a whole new world of rehearsal, so we will explore these and other pressing questions in this vital PLC.

Marketing Your Virtual Performance

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lauren Carr, Miguel Zavala

This school year started with theatre teachers around the world determined to produce a show with their students - And after weeks of learning new performance platforms, and jumping through new copyright hoops, those shows are finally ready! But will anyone be watching? How do you market a production when both the performers AND audience are virtual? Can you actually expand your audience? And what about tickets?? We will tackle these, and many other questions when we dedicate this PLC to Marketing Your Virtual Performance.

Engaging with Your No Camera and Camera-Shy Students

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus

The drama classroom is all about connection and engagement. How do you connect to students who do not feel comfortable turning on their cameras in a virtual classroom? Theatre Educator Karen Loftus has been working with no camera students and shares her insights.

Self Care for the Holidays

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As we reach the halfway point of what can arguably be called the most challenging school year ever, now would be a good time to take a little time to reassess the situation and recharge our batteries. We have expended a lot of mental and physical energy since the start of school, and if we have any hopes of crossing the finish line with our students we are going to need to make sure we have something in the tank. That's why this PLC is going to focus on Self Care. Join us to talk about ways to refocus and refuel before starting the second half of the year. Remember: In order to help someone else you have to start by helping yourself!

Classroom Management in the Digital Era

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Allison Green

Checklist for teaching in the digital era: Technology Training - Check! Lesson Planning - Check! Classroom Management - Ummm...? Of all the teaching fundamentals that need reassessment in the digital era, classroom management might be the hardest to get your head around. Do you have to follow school rules when no one is at school? How do you discipline students who are sitting at home? Can you have classroom management without an actual classroom?? Join us for a discussion of how to manage your virtual classroom in the real world.

Bringing Black History into the Theatre Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Kimberly Thompson, Quincy Young

Now more than ever, theatre are teachers looking for ways to expand their history curriculum to include BIPOC issues and cultural awareness. Many theatre teachers are looking to include more diverse history materials to enrich discussions with their students. That's why we want to invite you to a PLC where we explore content and share ideas that will help you bring Black History into your theatre classroom. Join us for this insightful and exciting conversation!

Check In

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Christian Kiley

We are halfway through the spring semester with the starting gun a distant memory and the finish line not yet in sight. But the marathon goes on. What better time to check in on each other and see how we all are holding up! Join us for this PLC check-in to get the fresh ideas, collegial commiseration and positive feedback that just might get you to the end of the race.

Virtual Assessment

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As we approach the end of another difficult year, we face one last hurdle before we wrap up our classes with a little bow: Assessment! Assessment in the Drama classroom can be hard enough, but assessment in a VIRTUAL Drama classroom can present some real challenges. How do we fairly assess students who we may never have seen in person? Or started virtually and then went hybrid? Or a "half and half" class? There has to be a way to give honest, useful, feedback to ALL of our students, isn't there? Join us for this PLC and find out...

Let it Go - Planning Curriculum 'Less is More'

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Claire Broome

One of the more valuable lessons that we learned during the pandemic was that "Less is More" when it comes to our curriculum. We found that even though we didn't cover as much material, we were able to cover that material in much greater depth. This led to students taking a deeper dive into materials that normally they might skim across. And that, in turn, led to a better understanding of materials. So...Wait, we cut down on our curriculum and increased learning? How did that happen?! Join us in this PLC where we will discuss a "Less is More" approach to your curriculum and find out!

Building Relationships in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Allison Green

Teachers recognize the fact that the past year has challenged relationships across the board: Teacher/Student, Student/Student, Teacher/Parent and more. In order for our classes to function properly, we need those relationships to be authentic and healthy. Teachers will need to integrate relationship building into their plans for the new year, both on stage and off. That's why this PLC will focus on building relationships. Join us as we talk about how to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships in a "traditional" school setting.

Social Emotional Learning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

Of all the learning categories that have been affected by the shift to remote education, the most consequential would have to be Social and Emotional Learning. Students around the world have been isolated from teachers and peers alike for months on end, and the result is an entire generation that needs help rebuilding their social skills and recognizing their emotional needs. Thankfully, there is no better place to teach these skills than the drama classroom. Join us for a PLC where we discuss the fact that Theatre teachers are uniquely positioned to help students both explore their emotions AND re-build relationships.

Pacing in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson, Shelby Steege

Pacing is one of the invisible hands of good teaching. Pacing impacts your classroom from curriculum planning to classroom management, but it isn't always easy to identify when pacing issues arise. Should you speed up? Should you slow down? Most importantly, what do your STUDENTS need? Jump into this PLC and keep pace with us as we explore Pacing in the Drama Classroom.

Using Empathy in the Drama Classroom: Empathy 2.0 with Steven Stack

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Steven Stack

If you have used The Empathetic Classroom or The Empathy Project or you're just looking for a way to approach what everyone has dealt with this past year and a half, join this discussion with Steven Stack. Steven's new DTA course Empathy 2.0 looks at empathy through the lens of what's now: how can students embrace their own and others' narratives and scars? How do we create a stronger classroom community? How do we learn to play again?  Steven will share activities and exercises in the course that you can take directly into the drama classroom.

Impowerment Improv

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Jennine Profeta

This PLC was run in 2 parts - an introduction to the course, and then an interactive workshop with Jennine for up to 15 participants. Jennine Profeta is DTA's go to resource for Improv in the drama classroom. Her latest DTA Professional Development course Impowerment Improv is designed to give teachers a framework in which they can use improv to develop real world social and emotional skills; taking risks, embracing failure, confidence, and word choice awareness.  Learn about the course and the tools provided.

Impowerment Improv

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Jennine Profeta

This PLC will be in 2 parts - an introduction to the course, and then an interactive workshop with Jennine for up to 15 participants. Jennine Profeta is DTA's go to resource for Improv in the drama classroom. Her latest DTA Professional Development course Impowerment Improv is designed to give teachers a framework in which they can use improv to develop real world social and emotional skills; taking risks, embracing failure, confidence, and word choice awareness. Learn about the course, and then join Jennine in this workshop as she personally takes you through the exercises for the course and shows you how improv is an excellent "Impowerment" tool that will help students beyond the classroom.

Power Dynamics in Rehearsal

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Nicole Perry

This PLC will be in 2 parts - an introduction to the topic with Nicole Perry, and then an interactive workshop for up to 10 participants. As teachers and directors, we can lean on the power of those roles in our classrooms and rehearsal rooms. However, power doesn't always foster creativity. In this interactive workshop led by Nicole Perry, we will learn ways you may be accessing power and ways you as a teacher or director might disrupt those patterns to create more consent-based, collaborative spaces.

Joy Jam

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall, Shelby Steege

As the first half of this school year comes to a close, we think there is a lot to celebrate: Schools are open, students are collaborating, shows are being performed. We have heard a lot of great stories from teachers who are sharing their joy at being back with their students and we thought, "We can all use more joy...Let's Jam!"  We are happy to announce the first DTA/PLC Joy Jam! We are inviting all members to join us in an evening of cheerful conversations, collegiate collaboration and a celebration of celebrating. This PLC will include breakout rooms for teachers to informally connect, celebrate success, and collaborate. We hope you'll join us!

The Adult in the Room - Understanding your relationship to your students

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

New Drama teachers put a lot of thought into their relationship with their students as a way to build a successful classroom. They don't, however, put as much thought into their relationship to their students. Yet that relationship is the cornerstone of successful teaching. Join us for an interactive conversation about how to define your relationship to your students as you build your relationship with your students. New teachers, and teachers who are new to teaching Drama, are especially invited to this workshop that will focus on relationship building in the Drama Classroom.

How to Execute the Empathy Project in your Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

As teachers return to their classrooms, they are desperate to rebuild the collaborative and supportive environments that are so vital to a well functioning Drama class.  Thankfully, there is a resource in the DTA created just for such a task. The Empathy Project is one of the most popular resources in the entire DTA library. Based off the Empathetic Classroom course by Steven Stack, the project focuses on these essential questions:   • How can theatre evoke empathy?  • How can we apply empathy outside the drama classroom?  Join teachers who have used, adapted, and successfully led the Empathy Project with their students, and add this powerful tool to your classroom management toolkit.

How to Mount a Production during a Pandemic

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Jessica McGettrick

Getting a production to the stage is hard enough. Mounting that production in a school setting is even more difficult. And adding the challenges and unpredictability of an ongoing pandemic into the production mix can make it all feel impossible.  But - The show must go on! - and Theatre teachers around the world have rewritten the rules of production in order to get the audience in and the curtain up. In this PLC, teachers will share their tips and tricks to mounting a successful live production under pandemic conditions.

Top 5 DTA Independent Projects - and How to Execute

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

As we work our way through pandemic teaching, we are hitting a few bumps along the way. One of the biggest hurdles facing teachers right now is absences. The extended absence of one, or more than one, student can drastically increase a teachers workload overnight.  That's when having access to some ready made distance learning materials can be a real lifesaver. And that's why the DTA has a ton of independent projects - appropriate, detailed, and easy to assign - ready when you need them.  In this PLC we are going to identify the top 5 Independent Projects in the DTA, and walk you though how to use them with your students.  You won't want to miss it!

What We Learned: There is No Normal

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Jane McEneaney, Jeremy Bishop

In the depths of the pandemic, teachers dreamed of a time when they could just go back to "normal".  As the virus slowly released its grip, many teachers joyfully returned to the classroom only to be perplexed, flustered and frustrated to find that "normal" was nowhere to be found!  Teaching and learning changed in the two-plus years of distance learning and instability.  What changed in those years? Can we ever get back to "normal" again?  Does normal even exist anymore?   Join us in this PLC as we look back - and look forward - searching for a new normal.

Curriculum Planning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Lindsay Johnson

Ah, mid summer! The past school year is a speck in the rear view mirror and the new school year isn't quite in view yet.  This little oasis of sanity is a great time to contemplate your curriculum and, as the old saying goes, "Adapt, Adjust and Improve".  What worked? What didn't work? What have you always wanted to teach, but never had the time to include?  The best time to plan your curriculum is when you are not in the middle of teaching it! Join us for a laid back, thoughtful discussion about curriculum planning. We will have the authors of the Drama One (Karen Loftus) and the Middle School (Lindsay Johnson) curriculums on the panel, to help with your planning and answer questions about these popular resources in the DTA.

Back to School

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

The start of school is just around the corner, (in fact, some of you have already turned that corner!) and it's time to get serious about "Back to School" preparations.  Is your classroom ready? Is your curriculum in order? Do you have the supplies you need? The classroom materials? Scripts? Journal Prompts? Warm ups??  ...Anxiety?!? It's okay! Take a deep breath and relax.  We have tons of tools, techniques and materials for Drama teachers, whether this is your first year, or 50th. In fact, we have so much useful material we are going to dedicate this entire PLC to getting you what you need from the DTA.  It will be like Christmas in August...Join us!

Social Emotional Learning in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt

A new school year has begun, and the importance of Social Emotional Learning has never been greater.  With everything that has been going on in the world, teachers and students alike are navigating a very different school environment, and Social Emotional Learning could be the key to establishing a healthy, high-functioning classroom this year.  Join us for an exploration of SEL from concepts to curriculum and everything in between!

Classroom Management Tune-Up

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Gai Jones

The school year is up and running, and so are your students!  Should they be? Classes are settling into routines and this is a good time to review your classroom management strategies and change whatever isn't working. Don't know how to start?  Easy!  Start by joining us in this PLC dedicated to tuning up your classroom management plan.

Advocacy with your Admin

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Christa Vogt

Your program is doing great things: Skills are being learned! Shows are being staged!  Students are brimming with confidence! Your administrators should be singing your praises to the rooftops! There's just one problem - Your admin has no idea what is going on in your classroom.  It's hard to get your administrations to advocate for your program when you can't tell them what they are advocating for.  This PLC will focus on how to highlight the work you are doing in your classroom in order to get the attention and respect of your admin.

Putting Up Your First Musical

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jeremy Bishop, Jessica McGettrick

Musicals!  There's nothing like them.  Especially if you have never done one before...  Musicals aren't like "regular" theatre - they are so much more: More planning, more performers, more crew, more time, more money...more, more, more!!  It's enough to give a new teacher nightmares - When do you start? How do you organize? Who do you cast? WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS...??   Take a deep breath, relax, and join us for an in depth conversation about the nuts and bolts of producing your first musical.  

Assessment in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Lindsay Johnson

A lot has changed in the classroom in the past few years, but one responsibility remains the same: You still need to assess your student’s work.  Assessment has always been a challenge in Theatre classes, but these days there are more challenges than ever when it comes to grading your students and their work.  So hop on to this PLC and join the conversation as we re-examine assessment in the Drama classroom. 

Celebrating Your Theatre Program

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

March is Theatre in our Schools month, and we think that is worth celebrating. Why, just look at some of the benefits a theatre program brings to a school and community - Improved test scores, community outreach, growing student self confidence, focused Social Emotional Learning and increasing empathy...and that's just the beginning! Theatre programs (and the people who run them) deserve to be celebrated for the valuable educational services they provide. So join us for this PLC as we celebrate all things Theatre!

People Like Us: Teaching Strategies for Students with Disabilities

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Kirsti Lewis, Kristi Brown, Lauren Modawell

Join the creators of People Like Us, and learn more about Teaching Strategies for Students with Disabilities. We know many teachers are looking for step-by-step guidance and practical resources so you can leverage the power of the performing arts in your classroom. Nontraditional and kinesthetic methods, like those in the performing arts, provide more robust educational opportunities for students of all abilities. Learn more from these experts and find out about an upcoming opportunity as a DTA member, to engage in online learning with this leading organization.

Classroom Management with Social Emotional Learning - Session One

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

If you talk to teachers these days, the same topic pops up over and over: Post pandemic classroom management.  It doesn't matter if they are a highly experienced educator or fresh out of their student teaching, they all say the same thing - the vibe in the classroom has changed.  Teachers say they need new tools in their classrooms to address these changes, so in this PLC we are going to break out the best tool in the toolkit: Social Emotional Learning (SEL).  Join us for a timely conversation about how you can use SEL in your classroom to reset your students and improve your classroom management.

Classroom Management with Social Emotional Learning - Session Two

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

If you talk to teachers these days, the same topic pops up over and over: Post pandemic classroom management.  It doesn't matter if they are a highly experienced educator or fresh out of their student teaching, they all say the same thing - the vibe in the classroom has changed.  Teachers say they need new tools in their classrooms to address these changes, so in this PLC we are going to break out the best tool in the toolkit: Social Emotional Learning (SEL).  Join us for a timely conversation about how you can use SEL in your classroom to reset your students and improve your classroom management.

AI in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Elizabeth Holbrook

Artificial Intelligence is here. In the past few years it has found its way into almost every corner of modern life - including the classroom.  However, important questions remain. Questions like: "Is there a place for AI in the classroom?" "Does that include the Drama classroom?"  and "What does AI in the Drama classroom look like?" These are just some of the questions we will tackle when you join us in this forward thinking PLC.  

Navigating Personal Challenges

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Lea Marshall

Teachers are people. And people face challenges. Challenges like family illnesses, relationship crises, financial worry, and so much more. What is a teacher to do when a personal crisis hits?  Teachers are expected to navigate personal challenges, yet still effectively teach their classes. That means teachers try to keep these challenges from spilling into the classroom - but can they? Should they? Join our panel for an in-depth discussion on navigating personal challenges as a teacher. 

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