Items tagged "Classroom Management"

5 Courses, 11 Resources, and 8 PLCs tagged "Classroom Management" for Drama Teachers.


Teaching Theatre with Divergent Students and Class Sizes in Mind

by Steven Stack

Have you ever wondered how in the world you can have a successful theatre classroom with so many variables that you have absolutely no control over? The two biggest ones being the size of your class and the students that you’re in charge of turning into some truly talented theatre geeks. This course by Steven Stack explores that wonderful and often ridiculous world of theatre classrooms while giving you the tools for you and your students to not only succeed but to flourish as well. Lessons will include how to make any size class the Goldilocks class as in "just right", defining and working with all types of students you may encounter in your classroom, the seven must-haves of any theatre class, and the importance of structure in the theatre classroom by providing a guideline for setting up your day-to-day class time. The course also provides tons of ideas, games and activities that you can use instantly in your classroom. So, if you’re a first-time theatre teacher or one just looking for new ideas, this is the course for you.

Preventing Pandemonium: Part 1

by Maria Smith

In Preventing Pandemonium Part 1, Maria Smith will share with you a classroom management tool critical to success. It’s called procedures. Procedures are daily classroom management routines that are the key to classroom management success. They are the essential element of classroom management. This course will give you straightforward, practical “this is how you do it” information, as well as procedures catered specifically to the drama classroom, to help you maintain order from start to finish, even during that chaotic group practice time. Imagine yourself in a classroom where you can spend most of your time teaching and keep students on track without the constant lecturing. If that sounds appealing, then start the first module.

Preventing Pandemonium: Part 2

by Maria Smith

In Preventing Pandemonium Part 02, instructor Maria Smith shares a classroom management strategy that transformed her class from a discipline zone to a thriving environment. It’s called positive incentives (or rewards) that make your students want to behave and participate positively in the drama classroom. This course includes straightforward “this is how you do it” information, as well as posters, passes and rewards for teachers to print out and use in your classroom. Learn how positive incentives cut down the need for discipline,and find the joy in teaching.

Rethink Pacing in the Drama Classroom

by Matt Webster

Pacing is one of the invisible hands of good teaching. Pacing is a fundamental component of a well run classroom. Many challenging issues that teachers face in the classroom stem from undiagnosed pacing issues: From comprehension to classroom management, pacing can be identified as both the source, and the solution of these problems. This course covers the Definition of Pacing, Non-Standardized curriculum, Pacing and Authentic learning, Expanding and Contracting The Pace, Transitions, Rehearsals and Hidden Pacing.

Organized Chaos: 2nd Edition

by Matt Webster

Organized Chaos: Discipline in the Theatre Classroom will give you tools and strategies to prepare you for challenges you may face as you step up in front of a class of students and introduce them to the art of theatre. Whether you are a student teacher finishing college, a first-year teacher just starting out in the classroom, or an established teacher with a few years of experience under your belt, these lessons will provide insight and support as you establish discipline in your classroom. This is a revised, 2nd edition of a favourite original course in the DTA, brought to you by experienced theatre educator, Matt Webster.


Drama Teacher Tune Up

Take a Drama Teacher Tune Up! We look at including mask work in the classroom, the rehearsal process, classroom management, and playwriting.

Drama Teacher Tune-Up 2

Our second Drama Teacher Tune Up! We look at including mask work in the classroom, Shakespeare, Close Reading, and Classroom Management..

Engaging the Non-Theatre Student

The non-theatre student is a fact of our world. Students find their way to us by accident, or by force. How do we engage them and help them find success?

Curriculum Assessment Journal

Use this journal to take some quick notes in the moment for your lessons. What worked? What didn’t? How did your time management on paper work in real time with students? This way when you’re ready to assess your curriculum in full, you’ll have a good picture of the individual pieces and where changes need to be made.


Engaging the Non-Theatre Student

Hosted by Matt Webster, Matt Banaszynski, and Lea Marshall

Learn from our guest panel how to engage even the most reluctant "non-theatre" student. Matt Webster hosts, joined by Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, and Matt Banaszynski. Recorded on March 22, 2016.

Kicking off the New School Year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Shelby Steege

The new school year is a few weeks in, and we are using this PLC to count down the most important preparations you can implement right from the beginning. From setting up your classroom, to setting goals/rules/responsibilities, to the best games and activities to engage new students, this PLC will prepare you to blast off to a successful new year!

Dealing with 'that kid' in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall

Every teacher will tell you that the hardest part of teaching is dealing with 'That kid'. The kid who has a rotten attitude. The kid who is disruptive. The kid that won't participate. The kid who just doesn't care. Every teacher can tell you a story about 'That kid'. They are the kid we obsess over, lose sleep over, and cry over. Teaching careers have ended because of 'That kid'. Join us for a very special PLC to discuss the best way to deal with 'That kid'.

School Startup

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Tricia Oliver, Jeremy Bishop

Summer is winding down and a new year is gearing up! With the start of a new school year comes the annual check lists of Must Do, Should Do and Want to Do. Deciding what goes in each list will create the structure and set the tone for your entire year. Join us for a conversation, and preliminary planning session, that will list the lists and bring focus to the coming months.

Classroom Management

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Maria Smith, Claire Broome

We are halfway through the school year and it is time to assess which classroom management strategies are working, and which ones should be left in the rear view mirror. When classroom discipline has been less than ideal, the new year is a great time to hit the reset button. With a new semester comes new opportunities to fine tune your classroom management and get your classes ship shape. If your students are driving you crazy, this is the PLC for you!

Classroom Management in the Digital Era

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Allison Green

Checklist for teaching in the digital era: Technology Training - Check! Lesson Planning - Check! Classroom Management - Ummm...? Of all the teaching fundamentals that need reassessment in the digital era, classroom management might be the hardest to get your head around. Do you have to follow school rules when no one is at school? How do you discipline students who are sitting at home? Can you have classroom management without an actual classroom?? Join us for a discussion of how to manage your virtual classroom in the real world.

The Adult in the Room - Understanding your relationship to your students

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

New Drama teachers put a lot of thought into their relationship with their students as a way to build a successful classroom. They don't, however, put as much thought into their relationship to their students. Yet that relationship is the cornerstone of successful teaching. Join us for an interactive conversation about how to define your relationship to your students as you build your relationship with your students. New teachers, and teachers who are new to teaching Drama, are especially invited to this workshop that will focus on relationship building in the Drama Classroom.

Classroom Management Tune-Up

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Gai Jones

The school year is up and running, and so are your students!  Should they be? Classes are settling into routines and this is a good time to review your classroom management strategies and change whatever isn't working. Don't know how to start?  Easy!  Start by joining us in this PLC dedicated to tuning up your classroom management plan.

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