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Displaying items 2241-2260 of 2309 in total

Hanging Plot

Practical Technical Theatre

LIGHTING FOR THEATRE LESSON 5, VIDEO 2 We can plan this out in advance with whats called a hanging plot. Remember how we talked to the director and decided that the first act takes place at sunrise, the second act at noon, and the third act in the late evening,...

Instrument Schedule

Practical Technical Theatre

LIGHTING FOR THEATRE LESSON 5, VIDEO 3 The next thing we do is to make a chart showing the number of each instrument, where each instrument is hung, focused, and plugged, what angle the instrument is aimed at the stage, and what color gel is used. This is called the...

Patching Schedule

Practical Technical Theatre

LIGHTING FOR THEATRE LESSON 6, VIDEO 1 Once we finish the instrument schedule, we want to be able to arrange the lighting instruments to give us the effects we want on stage. This is called the patching schedule. Remember the effects we said we wanted earlier? Lets patch those effects...

Cueing the Show

Practical Technical Theatre

LIGHTING FOR THEATRE LESSON 6, VIDEO 2 The next step is to cue the show. If there are lots of technical cues in a show, it is a good idea to have a dry tech rehearsal. A dry tech is a rehearsal with all the running crews present, but with...

Hanging, Focusing, Gelling Your Show

Practical Technical Theatre

LIGHTING FOR THEATRE LESSON 6, VIDEO 3 Now youre ready to actually go to work. The first thing you do is pull out all the instruments you are going to use, according to the hanging plot and instrument schedule. Check each instrument to make sure the connector is wired securely,...


Practical Technical Theatre

LIGHTING FOR THEATRE LESSON 6, VIDEO 4 When something goes wrong, the first thing to remember is not to panic. Thats when people get hurt. While the show must go on is an important concept, the safety of the audience, actors, technicians, house crew, and anyone else in the building...


Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 1, VIDEO 1 Hi. Im Marti Fowler, and this is my husband Bob. Were very pleased to bring you this new program, Stage Management for Theatre. We are very lucky to have two outstanding stage managers co- hosting this program. Tom Martin is a professor of Theatre...


Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 1, VIDEO 2 A stage manager is responsible for the artistic integrity of the production he or she is working on. By this, we mean that the stage manager works with the actors, technicians, musicians, designers, creative personnel, producers, unions, and front of house staff to bring...

Text Work

Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 The first thing you should do is read the play for enjoyment. This may be your only time to see the play with fresh eyes so read for pleasure. See how the story unfolds, how the playwright takes you from one moment to the...


Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 3, VIDEO 1 A big part of stage managing is showing the actors and the other crew members that they are in good hands. You dont want anyone spending any energy wondering if youre up to your job as a stage manager. You want to make it...

Communication (Pre-Rehearsal)

Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 4, VIDEO 1 Once youve read the play, you will need to sit down and talk to the director. Youll need to find out if there are any special needs for this production that might not be mentioned in the text. For example, they might want to...


Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 5, VIDEO 1 One of the more important jobs you will have during rehearsal is tracking the props. Youll need to know where they start, who uses them, and where they wind up. As soon as the actors start on their feet you will want to start...


Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 6, VIDEO 1 During tech rehearsals you will have developed a checklist for your activities before each performance. Its important to make sure that you are consistent with attention given to each item on your checklist. If you change your pattern you might miss something. Stage management...


Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 7, VIDEO 1 While you will use a lot of the same basic rehearsal prep and techniques in your rehearsal process, there are a lot of added duties and people when you work on a musical or opera production. First off, you will normally have a lot...

Extended Run

Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 7, VIDEO 2 Les Mis, Phantom, Chicago, Lion King, Jersey Boys, Mamma Mia, and Wicked are just a few of the shows in musical theatre history that have become long-run shows, meaning they have run for more than five years. In the case of Phantom, it has...

A Tour

Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 7, VIDEO 3 Main rag in. House to full. Go. Thank you all. Great show. Ill take work lights. Its a one oclock call tomorrow for rehearsal. One oclock everybody. Have a great night. Get home safe. When a show decides to go on tour, your job...


Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 1, VIDEO 1 Hi. Im Bob Fowler, and this is my wife Marti. Wed like to welcome you to this second edition of Audio for Theatre, Sound Reinforcement, and Design. Were really fortunate to have two outstanding professionals writing and co-hosting this program with...

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 So what does a sound system look like in a professional theatre? Lets take a look at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center on the campus of The University of Missouri St. Louis. There are two outstanding performance spaces here,...

Comparison of the Audio Path to a Road Trip

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 3, VIDEO 1 Lets compare the path of audio in a theatre to something many of us have done: a road trip. Imagine youre graduating, and your family is going out of town for a Saturday night graduation party for you and your twin...

Microphones Part 1

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 3, VIDEO 2 Before we even start to look at mics, we need to take a quick look at what might be the scariest aspect of running an audio mixer for a showfeedback! Now youve all heard it, but might not know what it...
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