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Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 9, VIDEO 1 Digital mixing consoles, also called DMCs, have become increasingly popular in the past few years for their flexibility, size, cost, and the wide range of features that are included in one package. In this segment, we will be explaining some of...

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 10, VIDEO 1 We will be using a Soundcraft Performer SI as our example console today. This console packs a lot of features into a very small package, and its pretty easy to operate once you get a feel for it. If you have...

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 12, VIDEO 1 One of the funniest things about audio is that when you need help to carry in the heavy stuff, no one claims to know anything about it. But when you are having problems, everyone wants to get their hands in and...


Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 13, VIDEO 1 As I said earlier, power amplifiers are the backbone of any sound system. Room size, room acoustics, speaker capability, speaker placement, and the types of shows youll be doing are all factors that should be taken into consideration when selecting speakers...


Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 13, VIDEO 2 In any sound system, at home, in your car, in a stadium or in a theatre, the ultimate quality of the sound heard by your audience depends on the speakers, and where they are placed. The best digital recording on the...


Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 13, VIDEO 3 As weve seen, in order to produce clear sound across the entire range of frequencies, speaker manufacturers make two-way, three-way, and even four-way speaker systems so that each driver has a smaller portion of the work to do, resulting in clearer...

Speaker Placement

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 13, VIDEO 4 Once you know you have quality speakers, the number of them and their placement becomes key. To make your system as efficient as possible, you want your speakers aimed pretty close to the ear- level of your audience. In a fixed...


Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 13, VIDEO 5 Youd need to do something pretty extreme to get injured working on the audio crew in your theatre. You need to let common sense and your technical director be your guide. But one job that invites injury is flying, or hanging...

Audio and Electricity

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 13, VIDEO 6 I could do a whole program on electricity and audio alone, but Ill keep it down to four simple rules that will get you through most situations. Rule number one. There is only one path to ground. Period. Remember earlier when...


Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 13, VIDEO 7 Wire and cable are the veins and arteries of a sound system that all of your signals flow through. The only difference between these cables and the veins in your body is that all of these cables are meant to be...


Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 1, VIDEO 1 When the houselights dim, the curtain rises, and the lights come up on the stage in a live theatrical performance, the first thing that the audience usually sees is the set for the play, and before the first actor says the first line, the...

Know Your Theatre

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 1, VIDEO 2 The first thing you need to do when designing a set is to know your theatre. You have a proscenium or a black box theatre. In a proscenium theatre, the audience faces the stage and looks through a big opening in the wall between...

Script Analysis 1

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 Now that were familiar with a very well-equipped educational theatre, the first thing were going to do is read a short play and analyze it from the desired point of view. Lets read this very short play, called The Big Break, out loud in...

Script Analysis 2

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 2, VIDEO 2 Now, we will reread the play silently to ourselves, and doodle on a sheet of scrap paper as we read. Dont make conscious notes about the play, just read the play, and let your hand doodle, and make random notes. Straight lines, curved lines,...

Script Analysis 3

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 2, VIDEO 3 Look at your doodles now. Is there a predominant type of line? Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved, circular, long or short, smooth or jagged? What kind of words have you written down? Colors, moods, materials? When you were reading and doodling, your subconscious was talking...

Design Analysis and Styles

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 3, VIDEO 1 Now that you have some ideas about the show and have a list of technical demands for the show, lets talk a little about types of staging and common design styles before we come back to the script. There are many different styles and...

Differences Between Actual Buildings and Sets

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 4, VIDEO 1 Probably the majority of sets that are designed for educational theatres are interior sets. Lets talk about interior sets right now. But remember that many of the same principles also apply to exterior sets. There are some obvious differences between houses and sets. First...

Tour of A Completed Set

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 4, VIDEO 2 Here we are at the Theatre of St. Johns in midtown St. Louis, Missouri. This beautiful building was built in 1928, and the theatre space here is a converted gymnasium that is used by three different local theatre companies. Lets go on in. What...

Exterior Sets

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 5, VIDEO 1 Exterior sets are a little bit more difficult to make realistic for several reasons. First, you are probably inside a theatre unless the play is being performed at an outdoor site like the Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis. Its easier to establish the willing...

Drops and Unit Set

Practical Technical Theatre

SET DESIGN LESSON 5, VIDEO 2 Imagine the opening of your play takes place on a road approaching a realistic Medieval castle, and your characters wish they could escape their depressing peasant lives. Theres a blackout and when the light comes up, they are on a road leading to a...
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