Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1121-1140 of 2310 in total

The Actor's Voice

by Annie Dragoo

In this lesson, students have an opportunity to practice vocal expression by reciting nursery rhymes with three different vocal varieties. They will receive instant feedback from their peers and teacher.

Using Emotional Recall

by Annie Dragoo

During this lesson, students will explore how the five senses can be used by actors as a technique to create a character.

Objectives and Tactics

by Annie Dragoo

During this lesson, the student will perform open scenes to practice using multiple tactics to achieve the character’s objectives in a scene.

Character History

by Annie Dragoo

During this lesson, students are challenged to devise interesting characters by creating a character history and then using that information in a character improv. This exercise will allow students to practice a portion of the necessary work to build a multi-dimensional character.

Enriching Your Choices

by Annie Dragoo

In this lesson, students will use the act of entering and exiting a scene in character to demonstrate character choice.

The Scene

by Annie Dragoo

In this culminating exercise, students will prepare a scene using what they have learned throughout the unit.

What is Abstract Theatre?

by Annie Dragoo

In this unit, students will create and perform an abstract theatre scene. Abstract is a genre that does not rely on realism and deliberately breaks the rules of a given form. In the case of theatre, this refers to the commonly presented rules of performance, acting, and the relationship with the audience. Movement is often stylized and symbolic. Ideas and themes are expressed visually and aurally with little dialogue using music, lights, costumes, and props.

Using Movement to Convey an Idea

by Annie Dragoo

In this lesson, students will participate in several activities that will help them devise, create, and rehearse movement that can be used in abstract scenes. They will practice and demonstrate their understanding of blocking and physicality by being able to add and execute movement in their abstract scene.

Rehearsal and Movement Practice

by Annie Dragoo

In this lesson, students will spend time rehearsing their abstract scenes. They will also practice and demonstrate movement skills such as facial expression, posture, gesture control, and balance.

Peer Review Rehearsal

by Annie Dragoo

In this lesson, students will spend time rehearsing their abstract scenes. They will have an opportunity to both perform for their peers and to evaluate another group’s abstract scene using the performance rubric.

Abstract Scene Performances

by Annie Dragoo

Students will perform their abstract scenes for classes who have been invited to observe.

Part 1: Ancient Egypt

by Drama Teacher Academy

There isn’t a lot of information about the theatre of Ancient Egypt, but there’s certainly enough to know they performed stories. We will look at the theatre of Ancient Egypt, discuss if the elements did in fact represent theatre as we know it, and, using learned elements, perform an Ancient Egypt myth.

Part 2: Sanskrit Drama

by Drama Teacher Academy

We will look at Sanskrit drama over two class periods, starting with a background introduction and then exploring elements of the sanskrit drama how-to manual, the Nāṭya Śāstra, and applying knowledge through scene work.

Part 3: Indigenous Storytelling

by Drama Teacher Academy

This Indigenous Storytelling unit is brought to you in a different format than a traditional lesson plan. It uses a learning circle format. It was developed by Allison Green, a member of the Algonquin Band of Mattawa, Ontario.

Set the Stage for Greek Theatre Origins

by Drama Teacher Academy

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the Ancient Greek era. They will demonstrate their mythical knowledge through a mythology-specific game of Jeopardy! Finally, students will complete a research project on the sociopolitical and cultural background of the era.

Origins of Ancient Greek Theatre

by Drama Teacher Academy

In this lesson, students will be introduced to Ancient Greek theatre festivals and then apply what they’ve learned by creating their own City Dionysia Festival.

Theatre Conventions

by Drama Teacher Academy

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the conventions of Ancient Greek theatre and then complete a compare and contrast activity.

Plays and Playwrights

by Drama Teacher Academy

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the plays and playwrights of Ancient Greek theatre. They will create their own hero’s downfall, take on a choral reading, examine Aristotle’s elements of drama, and read a monologue from Antigone.

Roman Theatre and Unit Wrap-up

by Drama Teacher Academy

In this lesson, we will move on to the Roman theatre, which mainly shows how Greek theatre was adapted by the Romans.

Culminating Activity

by Drama Teacher Academy

There is a lot in this unit, so perhaps you’ll just want to end with the quiz and reflection. However, if you want a performance activity to end the unit, consider this Greek monologue activity.
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