Created by Claire Broome
Join drama teacher Claire Broome and explore the basics of lighting, including lighting systems and instruments, lighting plots, how to record a lighting cue, and alternative sources of lighting. You’ll learn some practical, hands-on ways of using lighting in your classroom or theatre, whether you have a lighting system or not.
This course is packed with hands-on examples, activities for your students, and videos to develop your students’ understanding. Find out why lighting is such an important character in a production.
6 Modules
36 minutes
1 Credit Hour
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National Core Arts Standards
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 7
TH:Cr1.1.7.b - Explain and present solutions to design challenges in a drama/ theatre work.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Proficient
TH:Cr1.1.HSI.b - Explore the impact of technology on design choices in a drama/theatre work.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Accomplished
TH:Cr1.1.HSII.b - Understand and apply technology to design solutions for a drama/theatre work.
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Proficient
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding - Grade 6
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade 7
TH:Re9.1.7.b - Consider the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theatre work.
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade HS Proficient
TH:Re9.1.HSI.b - Consider the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theatre work.
California VAPA Standards (2019)
7.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
7.TH:Cr1.c - Explain and present solutions to design challenges in a drama/ theatre work.
Prof.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Acc.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Prof.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
6.TH:Cn11.2 Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
7.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Prof.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts
Seventh Grade
High School - Fundamental Pathway
High School - Advanced Pathway
Common Core
Speaking and Listening
Florida Sunshine State Standards
Critical Thinking & Reflection
Organizational Structure
TH.912.O.3.3 - Analyze and demonstrate how to use various media to impact theatrical productions.
TH.912.O.3.5 - Design technical elements to document the progression of a character, plot, or theme.
Georgia Performance Standards - Theatre Arts
Grade 6 - Performing
Grade 8 - Performing
Grades 9-12 - ADVANCED DRAMA LEVELS I-IV -Performing
North Carolina Essential Standards 2024
Beginning High School Create
Beginning High School Present
B.PR.2.3 - Implement technical elements to support scripted or devised presentations.
Intermediate High School Create
Intermediate High School Present
I.PR.2.3 - Implement technical elements to enhance theatrical works.
Accomplished High School Connect
AC.CN.2.2 - Analyze how technical elements enhance theatrical works.
Accomplished High School Create
Accomplished High School Present
Advanced High School Create
Advanced High School Present
North Carolina Essential Standards 2010
Beginning High School Standards - Aesthetics
Intermediate High School Standards - Aesthetics
I.AE.1.1 - Use technical knowledge and design skills to formulate designs.
Proficient High School Standards - Aesthetics
P.AE.1.1 - Analyze design concepts for aesthetic impact of technical elements.
Advanced High School Standards - Aesthetics
A.AE.1.1 - Use technical knowledge and design skills to formulate designs for a specific audience.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Theatre Arts
MS 117.212 LII - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
B.1.E - demonstrate knowledge of theatrical vocabulary and terminology.
MS 117.212 LII - Creative Expression: production
B.3.D - use technology in theatrical applications such as live theatre, video, and film.
MS 117.213 LIII - Creative Expression: production
B.3.D - use technology in theatrical applications such as live theatre, video, and film.
MS 117.213 LIII - Critical evaluation and response
B.5.C - demonstrate knowledge of production elements in theatre, film, television, and other media.
HS 117.315 LI - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
HS 117.315 LI - Creative Expression: production
HS 117.316 LII - Creative Expression: production
C.3.A - develop and practice safe and effective stagecraft skills.
Alberta, Canada
Technical Theatre/Design 10-20-30 - Costume
Technical Theatre/Design 10-20-30 - Lighting
1 - demonstrate understanding of the purpose of stage lighting
10 - demonstrate safe and proper care in handling and maintaining available lighting instruments
2 - recognize the importance of illusion in lighting design
3 - demonstrate understanding of the important of artistic unity in lighting design
4 - demonstrate knowledge of appropriate safety procedures
6 - demonstrate understanding of functions of gels, barn doors, gobos, c-clamps, shutters
7 - demonstrate understanding of basic functions of lighting control systems
Junior Goal II Objectives
become familiar with disciplines that enhance dramatic process
Junior Orientation
Junior Goal I Objectives
Technical Theatre - Levels I, II, III - Awareness
1 - recognize the basic terminology associated with the component being studied
2 - demonstrate understanding of the basic functions of the component being studied.
5 - demonstrate understanding of the various conventions of the components being studied
Technical Theatre - Levels I, II, III - Readiness
6 - demonstrate understanding of the importance of planning and organization
8 - demonstrate understanding of the use of colour, shape and texture to achieve a desired effect
Technical Theatre - Application
British Columbia (2018)
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Exploring and creating
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Reasoning and reflecting
Develop and refine ideas and technical skills to improve the quality of performance pieces
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Connecting and expanding
Demonstrate increasingly sophisticated application and/or engagement of curricular content
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Experiment with a range of props, processes, and technologies
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Purposefully select and combine dramatic elements and conventions
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Intentionally select and combine dramatic elements and conventions
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Ontario, Canada
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Responsible Practices
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Concepts and Terminology
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - Presentation Techniques & Technologies
Our parent company Theatrefolk offers a fantastic selection of plays written specifically for high school and middle school students.
Whether for performances or class study, there's something for everyone: relevant & relatable themes, simple sets & costumes, flexible casting options and much more - a perfect addition to any drama program!