Every Day You Deserve a Round of Applause: Self-Compassion and Care for You as a Theatre Educator

Created by Gai Jones

Gai Jones leads this course in social and emotional self-compassion and care for the theatre educator. Join her on this 5-module journey to practice self-care and self-compassion while teaching educational theatre.

Module 0: Introduction 6:06 FREE PREVIEW
This module introduces the course and lays out the structure of the modules.
Module 1: Survey of Self-Care Practices 9:37 FREE PREVIEW
In this first module, we will complete a survey of our current self care practices as theatre educators.
Module 2: Developing a Joyful Relationship with Yourself 8:17
Module Two looks at developing a joyful relationship with yourself, and why there is a need for theatre educators' self-care and compassion.
Module 3: Mission Statement 10:48
In Module Three, we devise a plan to carve out a mission statement for teaching theatre and self-care, which includes time to honor ourselves before arriving in the classroom or rehearsal hall, during planning conference, period lunch, before rehearsals, end of rehearsals, at home and tips for a healthy theatre educator's career and maintenance balance.
Module 4: Create and Commit to Next Steps 11:46
In Module Four, we create and commit to next steps, providing places for free write prompts and inspirational quotes.

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