How to Create Assessments

Created by Maria Smith

If you’d like to create your own projects and rubrics but have no idea where to begin or don’t have a background in drama education, this course was made with you in mind.

In any assessment, you choose where you want to go first and then you think of how you’re going to get there. And how to create assessments? This course will take you through the phases of creating an assessment so that you are prepared the next time you are inspired.

Module 1: Introduction 2:13 FREE PREVIEW
This module introduces the course and lays out how the various modules work together to give you the tools you need to create assessments for the drama classroom.
Module 2: Important Terms 8:49 FREE PREVIEW
This module covers important terms and background information, including formative vs. summative assessments, and Bloom's taxonomy.
Module 3: Assessment Planning 16:19
Module 03 covers the three phases of planning an assessment and explain how to create a unit assessment.
Module 4: Creating Clear Instructions and Criteria 12:35
Module 04 will help you create clear criteria and instructions as part of assessment building.
Module 5: Formatting 11:40
Module 05 gives the teacher formatting tricks to increase clarity and create asthetically appropriate middle school or high assessments.
Module 6: How to Create Rubrics Part 1 11:07
This module explains how to create rubrics.
Module 7: How to Create Rubrics Part 2 21:25
This module further explains how to create rubrics.
Module 8: How to Adapt Rubrics 9:05
Module 08 shows the teacher how to adapt rubrics to different grade levels.
Module 9: Formative Assessments 11:45
This module covers how to create formative assessments.
Module 10: Summative Assessments 3:40
This module covers how to create summative assessments.
Module 11: The Finale 2:14

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