Mindfulness & Wellness in the Drama Classroom

Created by Claire Broome

In this course, instructor Claire Broome shares what mindfulness is, and why it is so important in the Drama Classroom. The course covers how mindfulness and wellness can help both students and teachers.

Claire discusses how to prepare students for this kind of learning, and provides various activities to bring into your classroom, as well as a variety of extensions for these activities that can be applied to character creation and possible projects.

Module 1: Introduction 4:45 FREE PREVIEW
This module introduces the course and outlines the way in which teachers and students will be introduced to the concept of mindfulness and wellness in the drama classroom.
Module 2: What is Mindfulness & Wellness Education? 5:02 FREE PREVIEW
This module focuses on what mindfuless and wellness education is, and how it can apply to the drama classroom.
Module 3: Prepping Your Class 13:41
The goal of these activities are to understand your students’ starting place for exploring Mindfulness, Meditation and Wellness. This is not to teach students about these topics, but rather to see where their entry point can be.
Module 4: Movement & Focus Games 11:45
If the goal of Mindfulness is to help students stay in the present in the moment; then these games and activities will help students to do so. These games require students to stay focused.
Module 5: Meditation Part One 30:04
In this module we will explore four introduction meditations. These meditations take about five minutes each. You can expand them if you find they are working for your classes, but I find shorter meditations work best for beginners.
Module 6: Meditation Part Two 01:02:45
In this Module we will explore more detailed meditations.
Module 7: Gratitude Exercises 13:28
This module focuses on gratitude practice - another Wellness tool that has been proven to show great benefits.
Module 8: Writing Exercises 11:38
In this module, we will use writing as a way to bring Mindfulness and Wellness into the Drama class.
Module 9: Yoga Poses 15:19
This module takes you through beginner yoga exercises you can introduce to your class.
Module 10: Wellness Life Skills 13:56
In this module, we will discuss ways to explore how to include discussions about sleep, meditation, nutrition and exercise into your Drama classroom. We will also explore ways of dealing with stress.
Module 11: Extending Mindfulness & Wellness 2:43
In this module we will look at ways of extending Mindfulness and Wellness into the school community.
Module 12: Summary 1:44
This module concludes the course and provides a list of resources for further exploration.
BONUS Module: Distance Learning Option 24:05
This video provides ideas for distance learning options.

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