Playwriting Outside the Lines

Created by Steven Stack

Instructor Steven Stack leads this course in a unique way to teach playwriting. He will show you how to set foundations and guide posts for your students, and then give them freedom to play. The intent is to help students develop their own voice and create for creating sake. The 5 modules lead teachers through how to use this style of teaching playwriting, and includes handouts and resources to support the learning.

Module 0: Introduction 15:31 FREE PREVIEW
The introductory module introduces the instructor and sets out the objectives and structure for the course.
Module 1: Creating for Creating Sake 16:39 FREE PREVIEW
This module focuses on teaching students the act of creating itself - while ridding ourselves of creating for external reasons.
Module 2: The Creative Sandbox: Your Journal 13:55
This module is the creative sandbox: your journal. At the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand and use one of the most important things a writer has: their journal.
Module 3: All About the Play 12:31
This module is about the play. All about the play. This module will focus on why plays exist, what plays are meant to be, and my basic top principals for playwriting. Understanding the foundation of playwriting will create a strong foundation for the student’s playwriting journey.
Module 4: The Non-Truths We Probably Believe 21:01
In this module we’re going to discuss things we think and believe as writers that we probably shouldn’t, expand on where they came from, what the truth is perhaps, and how students can overcome believing these things. The objective of this lesson is to avoid labeling things and see them as they are and focus on creating the work we want to create.
Module 5: The End of the Road 14:43
In this module, we wrap up our journey.

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