Soft Skills, The Tangible Value of the Drama Curriculum

Created by Matt Webster

This course is about the fact that so-called soft skills are sought after and highly valued in professional work environments, educational settings, and in everyday social interactions. They're valuable life skills, but we can't always identify these skills within a standard educational setting, and yet, they are incredibly useful in education and beyond. That's why it's important to be able to identify these soft skills in the classroom and in the educational process and to recognize that these soft skills are being taught every day in the drama curriculum. We need to concentrate our efforts into making sure that these skills are identified and utilized within our classrooms. They are built into every arts curriculum a school offers, especially the theater arts.

Module 0: Introduction 6:50 FREE PREVIEW
This module introduces the course and gives an outline as to how the modules will help identify those soft skills and where we find them in the theater curriculum.
Module 1: Soft Skills vs Hard Skills 7:43 FREE PREVIEW
This module is an examination of the difference between soft skills and hard skills and the places in the curriculum where these different skills are taught.
Module 2: Standards and Requirements in the Drama Classroom 7:31
This modules looks at educational standards and requirements in the theater arts curriculum and how those standards are connected to soft skills.
Module 3: Teaching vs. Learning 19:16
This module is an examination of some specific drama classroom activities and the understanding of how those activities teach soft skills.
Module 4: Identification and Advocacy 5:13
This module talks about why it's important to present the soft skills we teach to administrators and how it benefits our programs.
Module 5: Wrap Up 2:26
This module wraps up the course.

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