Teaching Musical Theatre in the Drama Classroom

Created by Colin Oliver

Colin Oliver leads this introduction to teaching Musical Theatre in the Drama Classroom.

In this course, you will learn how to build musical theatre into your dramatic courses of study. “Why might you want to do that? Singing is scary! You want me to teach my students how to do it? I don’t even know how to do it.” This course approaches musical theatre preparation performance much as we would approach preparing a monologue in drama. If you use script analysis in monologue preparation in your class, you can teach musical theatre.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a great, full-body physical warm-up, a student-driven research assignment, character development exercises, a little bit of musical theory, and a performance assignment complete with assessment.

So, join us for teaching Musical Theatre in the Drama Classroom. It’s as easy as Do-Re-Mi!

Module 0: Introduction 5:21 FREE PREVIEW
This module introduces the instructor, the course and materials, and outlines the modules to be covered throughout.
Module 1: Full Body Vocal Warm-Up 19:24 FREE PREVIEW
This module teaches how to do a proper full body vocal warm-up.
Module 2: Research and Character Creation 12:49
Students will begin to develop performance technique for musical theatre via character creation.
Module 3: Character Work and Textual Analysis 15:04
This module builds on the work in Module 02, by identifying appropriate physicality to convey character and emotion, developing an interpretation statement, and applying script analysis techniques.
Module 4A: Music Theory Part 1 28:08
Basic music theory: how to identify notes on a staff, common time signatures, and notes on a keyboard or piano.
Module 4B: Music Theory Part 2 8:17
Music theory: symbols used for common note and rest types, and their values.
Module 5: Musical Theatre Performances 22:26
Rehearsal processes and evaluation techniques for musical performances in the drama classroom.

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