The Dilemma Project

Created by Claire Broome

Moral dilemmas are not only faced by characters in gripping plays, but are also faced by our students. The project outlined in this course will help students develop their critical thinking skills through the use of one of the dilemma questions to shape a student written production.

If you had the choice to press a button and earn $25,000,000... but a species (not of your choosing) would become extinct, what would you do? More importantly, what would your character do?

Join drama teacher and playwright Claire Broome through this course which includes role-playing, Stanislavski’s Magic If, character creation, playwriting and staging.

Module 1: Introduction 3:30 FREE PREVIEW
This module introduces the Dilemma Project and outlines the objectives for students.
Module 2: What Dilemmas Could You Use? 4:26 FREE PREVIEW
This module explores Dilemma scenarios you could use with your class and how the scenario needs to work within the project.
Module 3: The Magic If 9:16
This module introduces the Magic If exercise for the project.
Module 4: Character Creation 6:04
This module explores ways to help your students to develop their characters.
Module 5: Building Character Teams 6:28
This module explores how characters interact with each other, building a dilemma scenario and conflicting points of view.
Module 6: Improv to Location 5:10
This module helps students explore options for the location of their play.
Module 7: Character Relationships & Dynamics 3:08
This modules teaches students to consider how the characters they are bringing together might relate to each other.
Module 8: Brainstorming Character Vocabulary 3:28
In this module, teach your students how to decide how their character speaks is a great opportunity for students to explore and experiment with character work.
Module 9: Plot Outline 3:27
This modules shows you how to create a guide to support the writing process, so that students will feel more prepared to write their script.
Module 10: Script Writing 5:20
In this module, we will explore script writing in ways that make students accountable for their work.
Module 11: Script Sharing 5:40
This module reviews the revision process, through script sharing, to help students achieve a more polished script.
Module 12: Script Revision in Rehearsal 16:53
Students explore ways to have the class rehearse while making changes to their script.
Module 13: Rehearsal and Previews 5:36
Once students have revised and analyzed their scripts, and they need to develop their performances.
Module 14: Revision Rehearsals 2:33
This module discusses revision rehearsals, which are such an important part of the creative process.
Module 15: Final Performance and Reflection 6:52
This module covers the students final performance task.
Module 16: Summary 1:54
This module summarizes the project and wraps up the course.

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