Created by Holly Beardsley
Do you know the difference between a bustle and a buckram frame? Or what works best as an emergency hem? Some directors are blessed with a big budget and a full support staff—a choreographer, a set designer, and a costumer. But the drama teacher often becomes director, choreographer, set designer, and costumer all in one.
And a budget? What’s a budget? The Do-It-All Director’s Introduction to Costuming will give you, the director, who must do it all, the confidence and skills to costume and direct, no matter your experience or budget. This course will teach you costuming basics, budget tricks, organization, and most importantly, the art of costuming as a director.
10 Modules
2 hours, 12 minutes
4 Credit Hours
Get instant access to this and everything else in the Drama Teacher Academy
National Core Arts Standards
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 6
TH:Cr1.1.6.b - Identify solutions to design challenges in a drama/theatre work.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 7
TH:Cr1.1.7.b - Explain and present solutions to design challenges in a drama/ theatre work.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 8
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Proficient
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Accomplished
TH:Cr1.1.HSII.b - Understand and apply technology to design solutions for a drama/theatre work.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Advanced
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade 6
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade 6
TH:Pr5.1.6.b - Articulate how technical elements are integrated into a drama/ theatre work.
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 6
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade 7
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade 7
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 7
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade 8
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade 8
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 8
TH:Re8.1.8.b - Analyze how cultural perspectives influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
TH:Re8.1.8.c - Apply personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs to evaluate a drama/theatre work.
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Proficient
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade HS Proficient
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade HS Proficient
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Accomplished
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade HS Accomplished
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade HS Accomplished
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Advanced
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade HS Advanced
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade HS Advanced
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 6
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 7
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade HS Proficient
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade HS Accomplished
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work - Grade HS Accomplished
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade HS Advanced
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work - Grade HS Advanced
California VAPA Standards (2019)
6.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
6.TH:Cr1.c - Identify solutions to design challenges in a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
7.TH:Cr1.c - Explain and present solutions to design challenges in a drama/ theatre work.
8.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Prof.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Acc.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Adv.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
6.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
6.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
6.TH:Pr5.b - Articulate how technical theatre elements are integrated into a drama/ theatre work.
6.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
6.TH.Re8.b - Identify cultural contexts that may influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
7.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
7.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
7.TH.Re8.b - Describe how cultural contexts can influence the evaluation of drama/theatre work.
8.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
8.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
8.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
8.TH.Re8.b - Analyze how cultural contexts influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
8.TH.Re8.c - Apply personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs to evaluate a drama/theatre work.
Prof.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Prof.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Prof.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Acc.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Acc.TH:Cr2.b - Cooperate as a creative team to make interpretive choices for a drama/theatre work.
Acc.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Acc.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Adv.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Adv.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Adv.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
6.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
7.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Prof.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Acc.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Acc.TH:Pr6 Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Adv.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Adv.TH:Pr6 Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts
Sixth Grade
DT.6.1.1.b - Students Can: Identify possible solutions to design challenges in a drama/theatre work.
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
High School - Fundamental Pathway
DT.H1.2.4.a - Students Can: Perform/present a scripted drama/theatre work for a specific audience.
High School - Advanced Pathway
High School - Professional Pathway
Common Core
Reading: Literature
Florida Sunshine State Standards
Critical Thinking & Reflection
TH.912.C.1.7 - Justify personal perceptions of a director's vision and/or playwright's intent.
Historical & Global Connections
Innovation, Technology & the Future
Organizational Structure
TH.912.O.3.5 - Design technical elements to document the progression of a character, plot, or theme.
Skills, Techniques & Processes
Georgia Performance Standards - Theatre Arts
Grade 6 - Performing
Grade 8 - Performing
Grades 9-12 - ADVANCED DRAMA LEVELS I-IV -Performing
Grades 9-12 - MUSICAL THEATRE LEVELS I-IV - Performing
North Carolina Essential Standards 2024
Beginning High School Create
Beginning High School Present
B.PR.2.3 - Implement technical elements to support scripted or devised presentations.
Intermediate High School Create
Intermediate High School Present
I.PR.2.3 - Implement technical elements to enhance theatrical works.
Advanced High School Create
Advanced High School Present
North Carolina Essential Standards 2010
Beginning High School Standards - Aesthetics
Intermediate High School Standards - Aesthetics
I.AE.1.1 - Use technical knowledge and design skills to formulate designs.
Advanced High School Standards - Aesthetics
A.AE.1.1 - Use technical knowledge and design skills to formulate designs for a specific audience.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Theatre Arts
HS 117.315 LI - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
HS 117.318 LIV - Creative Expression: production
C.3.B - analyze and evaluate dramatic texts and direct brief scenes.
Alberta, Canada
Technical Theatre/Design 10-20-30 - Costume
1 - demonstrate understanding of the purpose of costume
2 - recognize the importance of illusion in costume design
3 - recognize the importance of artistic unity in costume design
Theatre Studies Drama 10 (Greek, Medieval or Elizabethan, and Canadian)
Theatre Studies Drama 20
Theatre Studies Drama 30 (Early or Middle or Late drama)
4 - recognize dramatic structure of a play
6 - recognize realism and selected other significant theatre styles
Technical Theatre/Design 10-20-30 - Management - Set
3 - recognize the importance of artistic unity in set design
Directing - Drama 30
2 - demonstrate understanding of the terms directorial concept and artistic unity
3 - recognize that a directorial concept should lead to artistic unity
Junior Goal III Objectives
develop awareness of various conventions of theatre
develop the ability to analyze and assess the process and the art
Junior Orientation
demonstrate awareness of the multidisciplinary nature of drama/theatre
recognize that there is an historical and cultural aspect of drama/theatre
Junior Goal I Objectives
develop the ability to initiate, organize and present a project within a given set of guidelines
Theatre Studies Level II - Intermediate (Theatre History)
Technical Theatre - Levels I, II, III - Awareness
1 - recognize the basic terminology associated with the component being studied
2 - demonstrate understanding of the basic functions of the component being studied.
Technical Theatre - Application
13 - determine and acquire necessary supplies or substitutes to construct the planned project
14 - use appropriate tools and skills to assemble or construct the planned project
Senior Goal I Objectives
demonstrate a sense of inquiry and commitment, individually and to the group
demonstrate the ability to considered decisions, act upon them and accept the results
demonstrate the ability to initiate, organize and present a project within a given set of guidelines
Senior Goal II Objectives
demonstrate understanding of integration of disciplines to enrich a theatrical presentation
British Columbia (2018)
GRADE 6 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
Explore relationships between identity, place, culture, society, and belonging through the arts
GRADE 6 - ARTS - Reasoning and reflecting
Reflect on works of art and creative processes to understand artists' intentions
GRADE 6 - ARTS - Communicating and documenting
Express, feelings, ideas, and experiences through the arts
Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences
GRADE 7 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
Explore relationships between identity, place, culture, society, and belonging through the arts
GRADE 7 - ARTS - Reasoning and reflecting
Reflect on works of art and creative processes to understand artists’ intentions
GRADE 7 - ARTS - Communicating and documenting
Express, feelings, ideas, and experiences through the arts
Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences
GRADE 8 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
GRADE 8 - ARTS - Reasoning and reflecting
GRADE 8 - ARTS - Communicating and documenting
Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Exploring and creating
Take creative risks to experience and express thoughts, emotions, and meaning
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Reasoning and reflecting
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Experiment with a range of props, processes, and technologies
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Apply feedback to develop and refine ideas
Examine the influences of social, cultural, historical, environmental, and personal context on drama
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Demonstrate awareness of self, others, and audience
Receive and apply constructive feedback to develop and refine ideas
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Use self-reflection and awareness of audience to refine ideas
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
Ontario, Canada
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Concepts and Terminology
Grades 9 & 10 - Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing - The Critical Analysis Process
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - Presentation Techniques & Technologies
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - Elements and Conventions
Our parent company Theatrefolk offers a fantastic selection of plays written specifically for high school and middle school students.
Whether for performances or class study, there's something for everyone: relevant & relatable themes, simple sets & costumes, flexible casting options and much more - a perfect addition to any drama program!