Alexander Technique

Created by Ruthie Tutterow

The purpose of this unit is to acquaint students with the Alexander Technique. In doing so, and in practicing many of its principles, students will make discoveries about some of their habitual patterns of movement.

Students will be able to demonstrate and explain how to use Alexander Technique principles in an activity of their choice.

The overview lays out the structure and lesson format of the unit, including time management, lesson activity choice, and materials needed.
Additional Attachments
1: The Power of Relaxation
Students will engage in a guided relaxation. Through this exercise, students will gain insight into some relaxation techniques and what intentional relaxation may enable them to do more easily.
2: What is the Alexander Technique?
Students will learn about the Alexander Technique and its six principles. Students will begin to explore how to make personal adjustments in their movements using the Alexander Technique.
3: Practical Uses of the Alexander Technique
Students will go over some practical uses of the Alexander Technique. They will be asked to demonstrate an everyday activity to show their understanding of how to incorporate Alexander principles into their movements.

Standards Addressed

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