Created by Lea Marshall
The purpose of this unit is to give students an introduction to independent learning as well as an overview of Ancient Greek theatre. Students will apply their knowledge throughout, and the unit culminates in a group activity.
This unit is delivered in hyperdoc format. What does that mean? A hyperdoc is an interactive tool that encourages digital learning. In this case, students are given a document on a subject, and there they can read articles, watch videos, do some independent research, and apply what they’ve learned. Because they’re working on their own, students are in charge of their own pacing.
Before you start the unit, ensure you read the Teacher Guide first. It will give you clear instructions on how to distribute the hyperdoc format and make it easy for you and your students.
National Core Arts Standards
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 6
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 7
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 8
TH:Re8.1.8.b - Analyze how cultural perspectives influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade HS Proficient
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade HS Accomplished
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade HS Advanced
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding - Grade 6
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade 6
TH:Re9.1.6.c - Identify a specific audience or purpose for a drama/theatre work.
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade 7
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding - Grade 7
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade 8
TH:Re9.1.8.c - Assess the impact of a drama/theatre work on a specific audience.
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade HS Proficient
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade HS Accomplished
TH:Re9.1.HSII.c - Verify how a drama/theatre work communicates for a specific purpose and audience.
California VAPA Standards (2019)
6.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
6.TH.Re8.b - Identify cultural contexts that may influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
7.TH.Re8.b - Describe how cultural contexts can influence the evaluation of drama/theatre work.
8.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
8.TH.Re8.b - Analyze how cultural contexts influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
Prof.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Acc.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Adv.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
6.TH:Cn11.2 Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
6.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
6.TH.Re9.b - Identify a specific audience or purpose for a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
7.TH:Cn11.2 Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
8.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
8.TH.Re9.b - Assess the impact of a drama/theatre work on a specific audience.
Prof.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Acc.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Acc.TH.Re9.b - Justify how a drama/theatre work communicates for a specific purpose and audience.
Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts
Sixth Grade
DT.6.3.4.c - Students Can: Identify a specific audience or purpose for a drama/theatre work.
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
DT.8.3.4.c - Students Can: Assess the impact of a drama/theatre work on a specific audience.
High School - Fundamental Pathway
High School - Advanced Pathway
High School - Professional Pathway
Common Core
Reading: Literature
Florida Sunshine State Standards
Critical Thinking & Reflection
Historical & Global Connections
Georgia Performance Standards - Theatre Arts
Grades 9-12 - ADVANCED DRAMA LEVELS I-IV -Connecting
North Carolina Essential Standards 2024
Beginning High School Connect
Beginning High School Respond
B.RE.1.1 - Analyze the dramatic structure of written and presented theatrical works.
B.RE.1.2 - Interpret how theatre artists use dramatic structure to convey meaning.
Intermediate High School Create
I.CR.2.1 - Adapt unique personal experiences into theatrical works.
Advanced High School Connect
Advanced High School Respond
AD.RE.1.2 - Evaluate the impact of theatrical works on intended audiences.
North Carolina Essential Standards 2010
Beginning High School Standards - Analysis
Beginning High School Standards - Culture
Intermediate High School Standards - Communication
Advanced High School Standards - Culture
A.CU.1.1 - Interpret theatre arts from personal, cultural, and historical contexts.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Theatre Arts
MS 117.211 LI - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
C.1.E - identify theatrical vocabulary and terminology, including basic anatomy of theatre spaces.
MS 117.211 LI - Historical and cultural relevance
MS 117.212 LII - Historical and cultural relevance
HS 117.315 LI - Historical and cultural relevance
C.4.A - portray theatre as a reflection of life in particular times, places, and cultures.
C.4.B - relate historical and cultural influences on theatre.
HS 117.316 LII - Historical and cultural relevance
C.4.A - analyze historical and cultural influences on theatre.
HS 117.317 LIII - Historical and cultural relevance
C.4.A - evaluate historical and cultural influences on theatre.
HS 117.318 LIV - Historical and cultural relevance
C.4.A - evaluate historical and cultural influences on theatre.
Alberta, Canada
Theatre Studies Drama 10 (Greek, Medieval or Elizabethan, and Canadian)
Playwriting - Drama 20
1 - demonstrate understanding of the basic structure of a play
Junior Goal I Objectives
develop the ability to initiate, organize and present a project within a given set of guidelines
develop the ability to interact effectively and constructively in a group process
Theatre Studies Level II - Intermediate (Theatre History)
4 - recognize that drama exists in every culture
British Columbia (2018)
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Exploring and creating
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Connecting and expanding
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Examine the influences of social, cultural, historical, environmental, and personal context on drama
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Evaluate the social, cultural, historical, environmental, and personal contexts of dramatic works
Ontario, Canada
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Context and Influences
Grades 9 & 10 - Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing - Drama and Society
Virginia Standards Of Learning (2020)
Grade Six
6.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatrical works
6.4 - The student will identify connections between personal experience and dramatizations
6.5 - The student will identify communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Grade Seven
7.11 - The student will explain how other fine arts and fields of knowledge are applied in theatre
Grade Seven
7.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
7.4 - The student will justify personal responses to theatrical productions.
Grade Eight
8.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
8.5 - The student will apply communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Grade Eight
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.2 - The student will apply a creative process for theatre.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.5 - The student will apply communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.6 - The student will explore historical and cultural aspects of theatrical works.
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