Comedy of Manners

Created by Lindsay Price

The Comedy of Manners is a style of comedy that satirizes the behaviour, actions, fashions, and “manners” of a segment of society. Because it has such specific characteristics – from plot to dialogue, to characterization, to costumes – it’s an excellent era for students to learn and apply.

In this unit students are introduced to the style, learn some background, and apply the traits of the comedy of manners. The unit culminates in the creation of a modern scene.

The overview outlines the lessons in the unit and the objectives that students will fulfill.
1: Introduction
The Comedy of Manners is a style of comedy that uses satire to highlight the behaviours, actions, fashions, and “manners” of a segment of society. In this lesson students discuss the nature of comedies that make fun of a group of people and the definition of satire. They are taken through a slide deck that introduces the background and style elements of the comedy of manners. Students also complete a Viewing Quiz.
2: Manners and Codes in the Comedy of Manners
The comedy of manners is a style of comedy that uses satire to highlight the behaviours, actions, fashions, and “manners” of a segment of society. Students will explore the element of manners and codes of behaviour in a modern context, and then look at how the element is applied to a scene from The Importance of Being Earnest.
3: Verbal Comedy in the Comedy of Manners
The comedy of manners is a style of comedy that uses satire to highlight the behaviours, actions, fashions, and “manners” of a segment of society. Students will explore aspects of verbal comedy in a modern context and then look at how the element is applied to a scene from The Importance of Being Earnest.
4: Characters in the Comedy of Manners
The Comedy of Manners is a style of comedy that uses satire to highlight the behaviours, actions, fashions, and “manners” of a segment of society. Students will explore characters in the comedy of manners and then create a comedy of manners character profile with one of the characters from The Importance of Being Earnest.
5: Culminating Assignment
In this culminating assignment, students will apply what they have learned throughout this unit to a modern devised scene.

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