Created by Allison Green
This Indigenous Storytelling unit is brought to you in a different format than a traditional lesson plan. It uses a learning circle format. It was developed by Allison Green, a member of the Algonquin Band of Mattawa Ontario, who is also the author and instructor of the DTA course Approaching Drama Class with an Indigenous Perspective.
Students will discuss origin stories, research the background and land connection of a variety of Indigenous creation stories, create a plot graph of their story, share with the class what they have learned, and then retell the story in their own words. Once students have practiced this process, they will repeat the steps with an Abenaki creation story: Research | Recreate | Understand.
National Core Arts Standards
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 6
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 7
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art - Grade 7
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art - Grade HS Proficient
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Proficient
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Accomplished
Perceive and analyze artistic work - Grade HS Advanced
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 6
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 7
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Accomplished
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade HS Advanced
California VAPA Standards (2019)
6.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
7.TH:Cn10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
7.TH:Cn10 - Incorporate multiple perspectives and diverse community ideas in a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Prof.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Prof.TH:Cn10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Acc.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Adv.TH:Re7 Perceive and analyze artistic work.
6.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
6.TH.Re8.b - Identify cultural contexts that may influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
7.TH.Re8.b - Describe how cultural contexts can influence the evaluation of drama/theatre work.
Prof.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Acc.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Adv.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
High School - Fundamental Pathway
High School - Advanced Pathway
High School - Professional Pathway
Common Core
Florida Sunshine State Standards
Critical Thinking & Reflection
TH.68.C.1.5 - Describe how a theatrical activity can entertain or instruct an audience.
TH.68.C.2.2 - Keep a rehearsal journal to document individual performance progress.
TH.68.C.2.3 - Ask questions to understand a peer's artistic choices for a performance or design.
TH.68.C.2.4 - Defend personal responses to a theatre production.
Historical & Global Connections
TH.68.H.1.6 - Discuss how a performer responds to different audiences.
TH.68.H.2.1 - Compare western theatre traditions with those of other cultures.
TH.68.H.2.4 - Discuss the differences between presentational and representational theatre styles.
TH.68.H.2.7 - Define theatre genres from different periods in history, giving examples of each.
Organizational Structure
TH.68.O.1.1 - Compare different processes an actor uses to prepare for a performance.
TH.68.O.3.1 - Compare theatre and its elements and vocabulary to other art forms.
TH.68.O.3.2 - Explore how theatre and theatrical works have influenced various cultures.
Skills, Techniques & Processes
TH.68.S.1.4 - Discuss the ways in which theatre experiences involve empathy and aesthetic distance.
TH.68.S.2.2 - Discuss and apply the theatrical production process to create a live performance.
TH.68.S.2.4 - Memorize and present a character's lines from a monologue or scene.
Georgia Performance Standards - Theatre Arts
North Carolina Essential Standards 2024
Advanced High School Connect
Advanced High School Respond
AD.RE.1.2 - Evaluate the impact of theatrical works on intended audiences.
North Carolina Essential Standards 2010
Advanced High School Standards - Culture
A.CU.1.1 - Interpret theatre arts from personal, cultural, and historical contexts.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Theatre Arts
HS 117.315 LI - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
HS 117.315 LI - Historical and cultural relevance
C.4.B - relate historical and cultural influences on theatre.
HS 117.316 LII - Creative Expression: production
HS 117.317 LIII - Creative Expression: performance
HS 117.318 LIV - Creative Expression: performance
Alberta, Canada
Acting Drama 20
Junior Orientation
recognize that there is an historical and cultural aspect of drama/theatre
Junior Goal I Objectives
Theatre Studies Level II - Intermediate (Theatre History)
British Columbia (2018)
GRADE 6 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
Explore relationships between identity, place, culture, society, and belonging through the arts
GRADE 7 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
Explore relationships between identity, place, culture, society, and belonging through the arts
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
Ontario, Canada
Grade 6 - Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts
Grades 9 & 10 - Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing - Drama and Society
Grade 11 - Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing - Drama and Society
Virginia Standards Of Learning (2020)
Grade Six
6.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatrical works
6.4 - The student will identify connections between personal experience and dramatizations
6.5 - The student will identify communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Grade Six
Grade Seven
7.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
7.4 - The student will justify personal responses to theatrical productions.
Grade Seven
7.1 - The student will demonstrate creative thinking by improvising scenes from given situations.
7.2 - The student will demonstrate a creative process for theatre.
Grade Seven
7.11 - The student will explain how other fine arts and fields of knowledge are applied in theatre
Grade Eight
Grade Eight
8.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
8.5 - The student will apply communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.2 - The student will apply a creative process for theatre.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.5 - The student will apply communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.6 - The student will explore historical and cultural aspects of theatrical works.
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