Part of the Distance Learning Curriculum

Introduction to Technical Theatre: Distance Learning

Created by Lindsay Price

When an audience watches a piece of theatre, they never see what goes on behind the scenes or know the people who work to make the production look their best. But theatre is a collaboration between what happens onstage and off.

This distance learning unit will introduce students to the world of technical theatre. Through video, they will learn information on specific technical theatre roles and how they work together, types of stages, parts of a theatre and stage geography, and then apply this knowledge through synchronous exercises.

For example, students will take on the role of a producer and decide how a budget will be divided among different departments. They will practice the calls a stage manager uses. The culminating assignment has students solve a common technical theatre issue: a unique stage direction in a play.

NOTE - Please read the Troubleshooting Hyperdocs instructions in the Overview, if you are having issues. If your students have trouble accessing the videos, try VERSION 2 Hyperdoc links provided under each module.

The overview lays out the structure of the unit, including time management, procedures for distance learning, video details, and an overview of the lessons.
Additional Attachments
1: Pre-Knowledge
Students will identify areas of technical theatre and explore how the use of these crafts affects storytelling.
2: Theatre Hierarchy
This lesson introduces students to the various roles in the theatre and how they make up a hierarchy. Students take on the role of one of these three important roles in a theatre production through an activity.
3: Technical Director and Tech Crews/Stage Manager and Running Crews
Students are introduced to two groups of technical theatre roles and the people in charge of those groups: the technical director and tech crews and the stage manager and running crews. Students will take on the role of a stage manager and practice the calls a stage manager would use.
4: Common Types of Theatres & Stages
Students review the three most common types of theatre stages used today: proscenium, thrust, and arena stages. Students participate in a types of stages warm-up and explore how to stage something on different types of stages.
5: Stage Geography & Parts of a Theatre
Students learn about stage geography and parts of a theatre. They practice stage geography in a warm-up and then work on a monologue exploring stage geography.
6: Culminating Activity
Students work together to come up with a solution for the famous “exit, pursued by a bear” stage direction from Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale through written response, drawing, and making a design element with materials found at home.

Standards Addressed

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