Part of the Technical Theatre Mini Units Curriculum


Created by Josh Hatt

This is an introductory mini-unit to lighting that can be achieved whether or not you have a lighting system. Students will work toward being able to demonstrate their knowledge of lighting effectiveness.

The questions of the unit include: How can light affect a scene? How can lighting affect the audience? What is the mood of the scene? How does lighting play a part in creating mood? How can you use shadows onstage? How does color impact the scene?

The overview lays out the objectives for the unit and reviews the content of each lesson.
Additional Attachments
1: Introduction to Lighting
Students are introduced to lighting through video demonstration, discuss the impact of lighting on a scene, address lighting safety and complete a vocabulary activity.
2: Colour and Angles
Students will explore how lighting can affect a scene through colour and angles. Questions include: What is mood? How do shadows affect a scene? Students are given a lighting assignment to apply colour and angles by drawing a simple light plot.
3: Lighting Effectiveness
Students continue to work on their lighting assignment. They will rehearse their scenes, continue to discuss lighting effectiveness and reflect on their work in class.
4: Tech Rehearsal and Performance
Students are given time for a tech rehearsal and then perform their scenes. The emphasis is on the groups demonstrating a knowledge of lighting effectiveness.
5: Reflection
Students watch the scenes from the previous class and reflect as a group on the process.

Standards Addressed

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