
Created by Angel Borths

Teacher Angel Borths developed this unit when she was looking for lessons to teach the basics of pantomime in the classroom.

This unit culminates in a finished product for performance, either for peers, or for theatre festivals. The rubrics and written work for this unit take planning and preparation for performance into account. The exercises can be pulled out and used independently, but work best when used to build toward a finished product. You can also pull the ground plan and stage directions lesson plans to use with playwriting or directing lessons.

Unit Overview
This unit introduces students to pantomime. Students learn and practice pantomime skills through games, review and development of ground plans and stage directions, and the development, rehearsal, and performance of their own pantomime piece. Students will provide peer feedback, self-critique, and incorporate teacher feedback in the revision process.
1: Defining Pantomime
To define pantomime, build a working class definition then introduce the pantomime concept through class games.
2: Details of Pantomime
To recognize the importance of details in pantomime and practice pantomime details.
3: Ground Plans & Stage Directions
To learn how ground plans and stage directions can be used for pantomime.
4: Rehearsal Day 1
To apply knowledge toward a pantomime performance.
5: Rehearsal Day 2
To apply knowledge toward a pantomime performance.
6: Pantomime First Showing
To apply knowledge toward a pantomime performance.
7: Pantomime Fix Day 1
To apply feedback and make revisions.
8: Pantomime Fix Day 2
To apply feedback and make revisions.
9: Pantomime Final Showing
To apply knowledge through performance.

Standards Addressed

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