Created by Lindsay Price
This unit provides an introduction to the process of playwriting in a practical step-by-step framework. Playwriting can be a practical task-driven process that any student can accomplish, given the right parameters. This playwriting unit will give students the tools they need to write their first short play and gain the confidence they need to write further. The culminating project for this unit is a three- to five-page play or extended scene.
National Core Arts Standards
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 6
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 7
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art - Grade 7
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 8
Perceive and analyze artistic work - Grade 8
TH:Re7.1.8.a - Apply criteria to the evaluation of artistic choices in a drama/theatre work.
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art - Grade 8
TH:Cn10.1.8.a - Examine a community issue through multiple perspectives in a drama/theatre work.
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art - Grade HS Proficient
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art - Grade HS Accomplished
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade 6
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work - Grade 6
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade 7
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Proficient
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 6
TH:Cr3.1.6.a - Articulate and examine choices to refine a devised or scripted drama/theatre work.
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 8
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work - Grade HS Accomplished
California VAPA Standards (2019)
6.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
7.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
7.TH:Cn10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
7.TH:Cn10 - Incorporate multiple perspectives and diverse community ideas in a drama/theatre work.
8.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
8.TH:Re7 Perceive and analyze artistic work.
8.TH:Re7 - Apply appropriate criteria to the evaluation of artistic choices in a drama/theatre work.
8.TH:Cn10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
8.TH:Cn10 - Examine a community issue through multiple perspectives in a drama/theatre work.
Prof.TH:Cn10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Acc.TH:Cn10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Acc.TH:Cn10 - Choose and interpret a drama/theatre work to reflect or question personal beliefs.
6.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
6.TH:Re8 Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
6.TH.Re8.a - Explain how artists make choices based on personal experience in a drama/theatre work.
6.TH.Re8.b - Identify cultural contexts that may influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Prof.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
6.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
6.TH:Cr3.a - Receive and incorporate feedback to refine a devised or scripted drama/theatre work.
8.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Acc.TH:Re9 Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
DT.8.3.1.a - Students Can: Apply criteria to analyze artistic choices in a drama/theatre work.
High School - Fundamental Pathway
Common Core
Florida Sunshine State Standards
Critical Thinking & Reflection
TH.68.C.1.5 - Describe how a theatrical activity can entertain or instruct an audience.
TH.68.C.2.3 - Ask questions to understand a peer's artistic choices for a performance or design.
TH.68.C.2.4 - Defend personal responses to a theatre production.
TH.912.C.1.7 - Justify personal perceptions of a director's vision and/or playwright's intent.
Historical & Global Connections
Innovation, Technology & the Future
TH.68.F.1.1 - Manipulate various design components to imagine the world of the character.
Organizational Structure
Skills, Techniques & Processes
TH.68.S.1.4 - Discuss the ways in which theatre experiences involve empathy and aesthetic distance.
TH.68.S.2.2 - Discuss and apply the theatrical production process to create a live performance.
TH.68.S.2.4 - Memorize and present a character's lines from a monologue or scene.
TH.68.S.3.2 - Use the elements of dramatic form to stage a play.
Georgia Performance Standards - Theatre Arts
Grade 6 - Creating
Grade 7 - Creating
Grade 8 - Creating
Grades 9-12 - ACTING LEVELS I-IV - Creating
Grades 9-12 - ADVANCED DRAMA LEVELS I-IV -Creating
North Carolina Essential Standards 2024
Sixth Grade Create
6.CR.1.2 - Create original works using theatrical formatting and elements.
Sixth Grade Present
Seventh Grade Create
7.CR.1.2 - Create original works using elements of dramatic structure.
Seventh Grade Present
7.PR.2.1 - Apply dramatic styles to formal or informal performances.
Eighth Grade Create
8.CR.1.2 - Create original characters and situations using background knowledge and research.
Eighth Grade Present
Accomplished High School Create
Accomplished High School Respond
North Carolina Essential Standards 2010
Proficient High School Standards - Communication
P.C.1.3 - Create original works, such as monologues, scenes, or performance pieces.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Theatre Arts
HS 117.315 LI - Creative Expression: performance
HS 117.316 LII - Creative Expression: performance
Alberta, Canada
Speech Drama 20
15 - demonstrate expressive reading of literature
17 - identify script indicators of a character’s vocal quality
Playwriting - Drama 20
1 - demonstrate understanding of the basic structure of a play
11 - construct a conflict between two characters (protagonist and antagonist)
12 - construct a scene with two contrasting characters
13 - give and accept constructive criticism
3 - demonstrate understanding of script format
4 - generate and collect ideas that have dramatic possibilities
Junior Goal II Objectives
Junior Goal III Objectives
develop the ability to analyze and assess the process and the art
Junior Orientation
demonstrate a willingness to take calculated and reasonable risks
Junior Goal I Objectives
develop the ability to offer and accept constructive criticism
develop the willingness to make a decision, act upon it and accept the results
Theatre Studies Level III - Advanced (The script)
10 - demonstrate understanding of the concept of dramatic convention
11 - demonstrate understanding of plot structure
12 - analyze a script to identify character, setting and plot
7 - define the elements of script, dialogue, directions, characters and settings
Senior Goal I Objectives
demonstrate respect for others-their rights, ideas, abilities and differences
demonstrate the ability to considered decisions, act upon them and accept the results
demonstrate the ability to contribute effectively and constructively to the group process
demonstrate the ability to initiate, organize and present a project within a given set of guidelines
develop a sense of inquiry and commitment to learning
extend understanding of, acceptance of and empathy for others
British Columbia (2018)
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Exploring and creating
Take creative risks to experience and express thoughts, emotions, and meaning
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Reasoning and reflecting
Develop and refine ideas and technical skills to improve the quality of performance pieces
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Communicating and documenting
Compose, interpret, and expand ideas using symbolism, imagery, and elements
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Connecting and expanding
Collaborate through reciprocal relationships during creative processes
Reflect on creative processes to make connections to personal learning and experiences
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Create dramatic works with an intended audience in mind
Develop a repertoire of dramatic skills and techniques through presentation or performance
Experiment with a range of props, processes, and technologies
Explore and create dramatic works to express ideas and emotions
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Apply feedback to develop and refine ideas
Describe, analyze, and respond using drama-specific language
Reflect on dramatic works and make connections with personal experiences
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Communicate and document
Compose, interpret, and expand ideas using symbolism and imagery
Express personal voice to respond to environmental and social issues
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
Ontario, Canada
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Context and Influences
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Concepts and Terminology
Grades 9 & 10 - Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing - Drama and Society
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - Elements and Conventions
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - The Creative Process
Virginia Standards Of Learning (2020)
Grade Six
6.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatrical works
6.4 - The student will identify connections between personal experience and dramatizations
6.5 - The student will identify communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Grade Six
Grade Six
6.9 - The student will describe various careers in theatre arts.
6.11 - The student will analyze how theatre incorporates other art forms.
Grade Six
Grade Seven
7.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
7.4 - The student will justify personal responses to theatrical productions.
Grade Seven
7.6 - The student will explore historical and cultural aspects of theatrical works
7.7 - The student will describe ways that theatre arts contribute to the community and society.
Grade Seven
7.9 - The student will identify various careers in theatre arts, with a focus on career preparation.
7.11 - The student will explain how other fine arts and fields of knowledge are applied in theatre
Grade Eight
8.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
8.5 - The student will apply communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Grade Eight
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