Pre-Lighting Design

Created by Kerry Hishon

The exercises within this unit are meant for students to explore the concept of lighting for theatre without the need for extensive tech or even a theatrical lighting grid.

This unit is useful for students with no prior experience with lighting or students who may be intimidated by the idea of theatre technology.

Each exercise is meant to build upon the previous one, as students grow in their confidence with thinking about lighting in different ways.

The overview sets the objective, outline and material needs for the unit, as well as assessment and general instruction.
1: Introduction and Exercise 1
The exercises within this unit are meant for students to explore the concept of lighting for theatre without the need for extensive tech or even a theatrical lighting grid. Each exercise is meant to build upon the previous one, as students grow in their confidence with thinking about lighting in different ways.
2: Exercise 2: Concept Creation
Students work in groups of 2 or 3 for this exercise on concept creation.
3: Exercise 3: Found Lighting Sources
In this exercise, students are given the opportunity to explore different methods of creating lighting effects using items and resources found around them.
4: Exercise 4: Shadow Puppetry
In this exercise, students will create a short shadow puppetry scene behind a sheet that is backlit.
5: Exercise 5: Notating and Communicating Your Concept
This exercise takes the concept creation ideas explored in a previous exercise and has students notate their lighting plans on a script.
6: Optional Video Exercise
Use this optional exercise to show students a video about the role of a lighting designer in a professional setting.
7: Unit Reflection & Rubric
A reflection and rubric is included for final assessment of the work completed in this unit.

Standards Addressed

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