Part of the Drama One Curriculum

Scenic Design

Created by Karen Loftus

This unit will focus on the basics: what is scenic design? How do the scenic designer and director collaborate? What is the process that the scenic designer goes through? The unit will also explore basic drafting techniques, and rendering techniques.

Based on what they learn, students will create a ground plan and a rendering. Please refer to the Pacing Guide for more details and ways to supplement with other DTA materials.

Unit Overview
The overview lays out the structure of the unit, including objectives, materials list, lesson structure and assessment and time management tools.
Additional Attachments
1: What is Scenic Design?
Students begin their exploration of scene design by defining the role of the scenic designer, learning what kind of sets shows can have, and applying their knowledge with a practical exercise.
2: The Process
Students continue their exploration of scenic design by designing the dream bedroom of their partner.
3: The Script
Students continue their exploration of scenic design by taking on the role of the set designer, talking to “the director,” and analyzing a set description for a play.
4: Drafting: Part 1
Students continue their exploration of scenic design by learning about and applying the concept of scale. Students will create a ground plan of their classroom.
5: Drafting: Part 2
Students continue their exploration of scenic design by taking the drawing they made for The Glass Menagerie and turning it into a ground plan.
6: Rendering
Students continue their exploration of scenic design by creating a color rendering of their set design.
7: Final Submission
Students hand in script notes, ground plan, and renderings. An assessment rubric is included, as well as ideas for unit reflection and an extra credit project.

Standards Addressed

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