Technical Theatre: Leadership in Theatre

Created by Michelle LoRicco

This Technical Theatre unit is designed to empower student leaders to analyze management roles in producing theatre while also using collaborative activities and reflection exercises to strengthen soft skills that every student should have. The unit covers the roles of producer, director, technical director, and stage manager, and ends in a culminating project.

The overview lays out the objectives and essential questions for the unit, as well as time management and assessment details.
1: Introduction
Students will analyze the various roles and skills of leaders within organizations that produce theatre.
2: The Producer
Students will analyze the role of a producer as well as collaborate with a group to choose a play to produce and hire a creative team for the imaginary production.
3: The Director
Students will analyze the role of a director as well as practice communication skills that directors use to communicate with audiences, actors, and creative teams.
4: The Technical Director
Students will analyze the role of a technical director. They will also explore safety standards within a technical theatre scene shop and construct a budget for an imaginary production.
5: The Stage Manager
Students will analyze the role of a stage manager as well as employ service skills to facilitate solutions to issues that a stage manager may face.
6: Culminating Project
Students will identify skills of strong leadership in theatre management. They will employ leadership skills to create and accomplish project goals and objectives.

Standards Addressed

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