Florida Sunshine State Standards

Standards Master List

Professional Development Courses and curriculum for Florida Sunshine State Standards.

Click on any listed standard and you will see a list of Professional Development Courses and Curriculum that match that standard. You can save these to 'My Stuff' for later, or dive right in!

Critical Thinking & Reflection

TH.68.C.1.1 Devise an original work based on a community issue that explores various solutions to a problem.

TH.68.C.1.2 Develop a character analysis to support artistic portrayal. Create, refine, and sustain complex and believable

TH.68.C.1.3 Determine the purpose(s), elements, meaning, and value of a theatrical work based on personal, cultural, or historical standards.

TH.68.C.1.4 Create and present a design, production concept, or performance and defend artistic choices.

TH.68.C.1.5 Describe how a theatrical activity can entertain or instruct an audience.

TH.68.C.1.6 Analyze selections from the canon of great world drama as a foundation for understanding the development of drama over time.

TH.68.C.2.1 Use group-generated criteria to critique others and help strengthen each other's performance.

TH.68.C.2.2 Keep a rehearsal journal to document individual performance progress.

TH.68.C.2.3 Ask questions to understand a peer's artistic choices for a performance or design.

TH.68.C.2.4 Defend personal responses to a theatre production.

TH.68.C.3.1 Discuss how visual and aural design elements communicate environment, mood, and theme in a theatrical presentation.

TH.68.C.3.2 Compare a film version of a story to its original play form. Develop and apply criteria to select works for a portfolio

TH.68.C.3.3 Determine personal strengths and challenges, using evaluations and critiques to guide selection of material for a portfolio.

TH.912.C.1.1 Devise an original work based on a global issue that explores various solutions to a problem.

TH.912.C.1.2 Create, refine, and sustain complex and believable characters for performance through the integration and application of artistic choices based on research, rehearsal, feedback, and refinement.

TH.912.C.1.3 Justify a response to a theatrical experience through oral or written analysis, using correct theatre terminology.

TH.912.C.1.4 Research and define the physical/visual elements necessary to create theatrical reality for a specific historical and/or geographical play.

TH.912.C.1.5 Make and defend conscious choices in the creation of a character that will fulfill anticipated audience response.

TH.912.C.1.6 Respond to theatrical works by identifying and interpreting influences of historical, social, or cultural contexts.

TH.912.C.1.7 Justify personal perceptions of a director's vision and/or playwright's intent.

TH.912.C.1.8 Apply the components of aesthetics and criticism to a theatrical performance or design.

TH.912.C.2.1 Explore and describe possible solutions to production or acting challenges and select the solution most likely to produce desired results.

TH.912.C.2.2 Construct imaginative, complex scripts and revise them in collaboration with actors to convey story and meaning to an audience.

TH.912.C.2.3 Analyze different types of stage configurations to determine the effects of each as potential production solutions.

TH.912.C.2.4 Collaborate with a team to outline several potential solutions to a design problem and rank them in order of likely success.

TH.912.C.2.5 Analyze the effect of rehearsal sessions and/or strategies on refining skills and techniques by keeping a performance or rehearsal journal/log.

TH.912.C.2.6 Assess a peer's artistic choices in a production as a foundation for one's own artistic growth.

TH.912.C.2.7 Accept feedback from others, analyze it for validity, and apply suggestions appropriately to future performances or designs.

TH.912.C.2.8 Improve a performance or project using various self-assessment tools, coaching, feedback, and/or constructive criticism.

TH.912.C.3.1 Explore commonalities between works of theatre and other performance media.

TH.912.C.3.2 Develop and apply criteria to select works for a portfolio and defend one's artistic choices with a prepared analysis.

TH.912.C.3.3 Critique, based on exemplary models and established criteria, the production values and effectiveness of school, community, and live or recorded professional productions.

Historical & Global Connections

TH.68.H.1.1 Explore potential differences when performing works set in a variety of historical and cultural contexts.

TH.68.H.1.2 Analyze the impact of one's emotional and social experiences when responding to, or participating in, a play.

TH.68.H.1.3 Identify significant contributions of playwrights, actors, and designers and describe their dramatic heritage.

TH.68.H.1.4 Create a monologue or story that reflects one's understanding of an event in a culture different from one's own.

TH.68.H.1.5 Describe one's own personal responses to a theatrical work and show respect for the responses of others.

TH.68.H.1.6 Discuss how a performer responds to different audiences.

TH.68.H.2.1 Compare western theatre traditions with those of other cultures.

TH.68.H.2.2 Identify examples of American musical theatre productions that reflect specific correlations to American history and culture.

TH.68.H.2.3 Analyze theatre history and dramatic literature in the context of societal and cultural history.

TH.68.H.2.4 Discuss the differences between presentational and representational theatre styles.

TH.68.H.2.5 Compare decorum, environments, and manners from a variety of cultures and historical periods to discover and influence historical acting styles and design choices.

TH.68.H.2.6 Describe historical and cultural influences leading to changes in theatre performance spaces and technology.

TH.68.H.2.7 Define theatre genres from different periods in history, giving examples of each.

TH.68.H.2.8 Identify and describe theatrical resources in the community, including professional and community theatres, experts, and sources of scripts and materials.

TH.68.H.3.1 Identify principles and techniques that are shared between the arts and other content areas.

TH.68.H.3.2 Read plays from a variety of genres and styles and compare how common themes are expressed in various art forms.

TH.68.H.3.3 Use brainstorming as a method to discover multiple solutions for an acting or technical challenge.

TH.68.H.3.4 Describe the importance of wellness and care for the actor's physical being as a performance instrument.

TH.68.H.3.5 Describe how social skills learned through play participation are used in other classroom and extracurricular activities.

TH.68.H.3.6 Discuss ways in which dance, music, and the visual arts enhance theatrical presentations.

TH.912.H.1.1 Analyze how playwrights' work reflects the cultural and socio-political framework in which it was created.

TH.912.H.1.2 Study, rehearse, and discuss a broad range of theatre works by diverse playwrights to enrich one's perspective of the world.

TH.912.H.1.3 Present a design or perform in the style of a different historical or cultural context to gain appreciation of that time and culture.

TH.912.H.1.4 Interpret a text through different social, cultural, and historical lenses to consider how perspective and context shape a work and its characters.

TH.912.H.1.5 Respect the rights of performers and audience members to perform or view controversial work with sensitivity to school and community standards.

TH.912.H.2.1 Research the correlations between theatrical forms and the social, cultural, historical, and political climates from which they emerged, to form an understanding of the influences that have shaped theatre.

TH.912.H.2.10 Analyze how the history of American musical theatre is tied to events in U.S. history and popular culture, detailing the ways in which theatre evolved.

TH.912.H.2.11 Describe the significant works and major contributions of major playwrights, performers, designers, directors, and producers in American musical theatre.

TH.912.H.2.2 Research and discuss the effects of personal experience, culture, and current events that shape individual response to theatrical works.

TH.912.H.2.3 Weigh and discuss, based on analysis of dramatic texts, the importance of cultural protocols and historical accuracy for artistic impact.

TH.912.H.2.4 Research the intent of, and critical reaction to, artists in history who created groundbreaking, innovative, or controversial works.

TH.912.H.2.5 Apply knowledge of dramatic genres and historical periods to shape the work of performers, directors, and designers.

TH.912.H.2.6 Explore how gender, race, and age are perceived in plays and how they affect the development of theatre.

TH.912.H.2.7 Hypothesize how theatre may look in the future and defend that hypothesis, based on historical and social trends, to show understanding of their importance to the development of theatre.

TH.912.H.2.8 Analyze how events have been portrayed through theatre and film, balancing historical accuracy versus theatrical storytelling.

TH.912.H.2.9 Create scenes that satirize current political or social events.

TH.912.H.3.1 Apply critical-thinking and problem-solving skills used in theatre collaboration to develop creative solutions to real-life issues.

TH.912.H.3.2 Compare the applications of various art forms used in theatre production.

TH.912.H.3.3 Apply knowledge of non-theatre content areas to enhance presentations of characters, environments, and actions in performance.

TH.912.H.3.4 Create a routine of wellness and care for the actor's physical being as a performance instrument.

TH.912.H.3.5 Explain how the social interactions of daily life are manifested in theatre.

Innovation, Technology & the Future

TH.68.F.1.1 Manipulate various design components to imagine the world of the character.

TH.68.F.1.2 Use vocal, physical, and imaginative ideas, through improvisation, as a foundation to create new characters and to write dialogue.

TH.68.F.1.3 Demonstrate creative risk-taking by incorporating personal experiences in an improvisation.

TH.68.F.1.4 Survey an aspect of theatre to understand the ways in which technology has affected it over time.

TH.68.F.2.1 Research careers in the global economy that are not directly related to the arts, but include skills that are arts based or derive part of their economic impact from the arts.

TH.68.F.2.2 Identify industries within the state of Florida that have a significant impact on local economies, in which the arts are either directly or indirectly involved in their success.

TH.68.F.2.3 Identify businesses that are directly or indirectly associated with school and community theatre, and calculate their impact on the local and/or regional economy.

TH.68.F.3.1 Practice safe, legal, and responsible use of copyrighted, published plays to show respect for intellectual property and the playwright.

TH.68.F.3.2 Develop a list of line items that would typically be found in a production budget for a performance.

TH.912.F.1.1 Synthesize research, analysis, and imagination to create believable characters and settings.

TH.912.F.1.2 Solve short conflict-driven scenarios through improvisation.

TH.912.F.1.3 Stimulate imagination, quick thinking, and creative risk-taking through improvisation to create written scenes or plays.

TH.912.F.1.4 Research the cause-and-effect relationship between production needs and new and emerging technologies to support creativity and innovation in theatre.

TH.912.F.2.1 Create and maintain a portfolio for a variety of college or job interviews that can be customized for each opportunity.

TH.912.F.2.2 Assess the skills needed for theatre-related jobs in the community to support career selection.

TH.912.F.2.3 Work collaboratively with others to survey the theatre activities in the school, community, and/or region to calculate their impact on the economy.

TH.912.F.2.4 Apply the skills necessary to be an effective director, designer, stage manager, and/or technician in the mounting of a theatrical performance.

TH.912.F.2.5 Analyze the impact the arts have on local, national, and global economies by researching how businesses use the arts to help them be successful.

TH.912.F.3.1 Analyze and identify the functions of a successful system of business management for a theatre company and compare them to the systems found in a successful business management system.

TH.912.F.3.2 Develop a production budget for a hypothetical performance, using real-world numbers, and determine how much to charge the audience in order to cover costs.

TH.912.F.3.3 Exhibit independence, discipline, and commitment to the theatre process when working on assigned projects and productions.

TH.912.F.3.4 Discuss how participation in theatre supports development of life skills useful in other content areas and organizational structures.

TH.912.F.3.5 Monitor the tasks involved in the creative and design processes and analyze ways those processes might be applied in the workforce.

TH.912.F.3.6 Examine how skills used in putting on a production can be applied in the general work place and design a résumé showing marketable skills for a college or job application.

TH.912.F.3.7 Use social networking or other communication technology appropriately to advertise for a production or school event.

TH.912.F.3.8 Use current and emerging technology appropriately to communicate rehearsal information with the cast and crew of a production.

Organizational Structure

TH.68.O.1.1 Compare different processes an actor uses to prepare for a performance.

TH.68.O.1.2 Discuss how color, line, shape, and texture are used to show emotion in technical theatre elements.

TH.68.O.1.3 Explain the impact of choices made by directors, designers, and actors on audience understanding.

TH.68.O.1.4 Discuss how the whole of a theatre performance is greater than the sum of its parts.

TH.68.O.2.1 Diagram the major parts of a play and their relationships to each other.

TH.68.O.2.2 Explain how a performance would change if depicted in a different location, time, or culture.

TH.68.O.2.3 Write alternate endings for a specified play.

TH.68.O.2.4 Perform a scene or pantomime to demonstrate understanding of blocking and stage movement.

TH.68.O.2.5 Explain how the contributions of significant playwrights, performers, directors, designers, and producers from various cultures and historical periods have influenced the creative innovations of theatre.

TH.68.O.3.1 Compare theatre and its elements and vocabulary to other art forms.

TH.68.O.3.2 Explore how theatre and theatrical works have influenced various cultures.

TH.68.O.3.3 Discuss the collaborative nature of theatre and work together to create a scene or play, respecting group members' ideas and differences.

TH.912.O.1.1 Research and analyze a dramatic text by breaking it down into its basic, structural elements to support development of a directorial concept, characterization, and design.

TH.912.O.1.2 Compare the conventions of western theatre with eastern theatre practices.

TH.912.O.1.3 Execute the responsibilities of director, designer, manager, technician, or performer by applying standard theatrical conventions.

TH.912.O.1.4 Write an original script or a dramatic adaptation of a literary work to demonstrate knowledge of theatrical conventions.

TH.912.O.2.1 Apply the principles of dramatic structure to the writing of a one-act play.

TH.912.O.2.2 Perform a scene or monologue in a non-traditional way that stays true to its dramatic structure and can be justified within the script.

TH.912.O.2.3 Create a non-traditional scenic or costume design of a classical play that visually connects it to another time period.

TH.912.O.2.4 Construct and perform a pantomime of a complete story, showing a full character arc.

TH.912.O.2.5 Explain how the contributions and methods of significant individuals from various cultures and historical periods have influenced the creative innovations of theatre, and apply one of their innovations to a theatrical piece in a new way.

TH.912.O.2.6 Deconstruct a play, using an established theory, to understand its dramatic structure.

TH.912.O.2.7 Brainstorm a variety of ways to deviate from western rules and conventions in theatre to influence audience and performer experiences.

TH.912.O.2.8 Create a scene or improvisation to manipulate and challenge the conventions of the performer/audience relationship.

TH.912.O.3.1 Analyze the methods of communication among directors, designers, stage managers, technicians, and actors that establish the most effective support of the creative process.

TH.912.O.3.2 Analyze a variety of theatre and staging configurations to understand their influence on the audience experience and response.

TH.912.O.3.3 Analyze and demonstrate how to use various media to impact theatrical productions.

TH.912.O.3.4 Create a performance piece to document a significant issue or event.

TH.912.O.3.5 Design technical elements to document the progression of a character, plot, or theme.

TH.912.O.3.6 Apply standard drafting conventions for scenic, lighting, and sound design to create production design documents.

TH.912.O.3.7 Apply standard conventions of directing, stage management, and design to denote blocking and stage movement for production documentation.

Skills, Techniques & Processes

TH.68.S.1.1 Describe the responsibilities of audience members, to the actors and each other, at live and recorded performances and demonstrate appropriate behavior.

TH.68.S.1.2 Invent a character with distinct behavior(s) based on observations of people in the real world and interact with others in a cast as the invented characters.

TH.68.S.1.3 Describe criteria for the evaluation of dramatic texts, performances, direction, and production elements.

TH.68.S.1.4 Discuss the ways in which theatre experiences involve empathy and aesthetic distance.

TH.68.S.2.1 Discuss the value of collaboration in theatre and work together to create a theatrical production.

TH.68.S.2.2 Discuss and apply the theatrical production process to create a live performance.

TH.68.S.2.3 Analyze the relationships of plot, conflict, and theme in a play and transfer the knowledge to a play that contrasts in style, genre, and/or mood.

TH.68.S.2.4 Memorize and present a character's lines from a monologue or scene.

TH.68.S.3.1 Develop characterizations, using basic acting skills, appropriate for selected dramatizations.

TH.68.S.3.2 Use the elements of dramatic form to stage a play.

TH.68.S.3.3 Lead rehearsals of improvised and scripted scenes, communicating with cast and crew to create appropriate characterization and dramatic environments.

TH.68.S.3.4 Lead small groups to safely select and create elements of technical theatre to signify a character or setting.

TH.912.S.1.1 Describe the interactive effect of audience members and actors on performances.

TH.912.S.1.2 Describe the Stanislavski Method and its impact on realism in theatrical performance in the 20th century.

TH.912.S.1.3 Develop criteria that may be applied to the selection and performance of theatrical work.

TH.912.S.1.4 Compare the artistic content as described by playwrights, actors, designers, and/or directors with the final artistic product and assess the success of the final artistic product using established criteria.

TH.912.S.1.5 Write monologues, scenes, and/or short plays using principles and elements of writing found in dramatic literature.

TH.912.S.1.6 Respond appropriately to directorial choices for improvised and scripted scenes.

TH.912.S.1.7 Interpret dramatic texts, organize and conduct rehearsals, and justify directorial choices for formal and informal productions.

TH.912.S.1.8 Use research to extract clues in dramatic texts to create performances or technical elements, choosing those that are most interesting and that best convey dramatic intent.

TH.912.S.2.1 Create one or more technical design documents for a theatrical production.

TH.912.S.2.2 Apply technical knowledge of safety procedures and demonstrate safe operation of theatre equipment, tools, and raw materials.

TH.912.S.2.3 Demonstrate an understanding of a dramatic work by developing a character analysis for one or more of its major characters and show how the analysis clarifies the character's physical and emotional dimensions.

TH.912.S.2.4 Sustain a character or follow technical cues in a production piece to show focus.

TH.912.S.2.5 Perform memorized theatrical literature in contrasting pieces to show ability to apply principles and structure, focus on details of performance, and processing skills to establish successful interpretation, expression, and believability.

TH.912.S.2.6 Transfer acting and technical skills and techniques from one piece of dramatic text to another.

TH.912.S.2.7 Create a prompt book to organize dramaturgy, blocking, and play analysis to demonstrate understanding of the production process and the job responsibilities of a director or stage manager.

TH.912.S.2.8 Strengthen acting skills by engaging in theatre games and improvisations.

TH.912.S.2.9 Research and defend one's own artistic choices as a designer.

TH.912.S.3.1 Articulate, based on research, the rationale for artistic choices in casting, staging, or technical design for a scene from original or scripted material.

TH.912.S.3.2 Exercise artistic discipline and collaboration to achieve ensemble in rehearsal and performance.

TH.912.S.3.3 Develop acting skills and techniques in the rehearsal process.

TH.912.S.3.4 Apply scientific and technological advances to develop visual and aural design elements that complement the interpretation of the text.

TH.912.S.3.5 Conduct a comparative analysis of acting methods and the teacher-artists who developed them as a foundational guide to acting.

TH.912.S.3.6 Compare the Stanislavski Method with other acting methods to support development of a personal method.

TH.912.S.3.7 Demonstrate the audition process by researching and selecting monologues and presenting a memorized selection.

TH.912.S.3.8 Direct a scene or one-act play.

TH.912.S.3.9 Research, analyze, and explain the processes that playwrights, directors, designers, and performers use when developing a work that conveys artistic intent.

Standards Master List

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