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Displaying items 2041-2060 of 2310 in total

Comprehensive Production Budget

Contributed by SerenaRae Stein

Easily track your expenses for your show or year! This spread sheet is set up so that each area (costumes, make-up, sets, props, tech) has their own sheet and a grand master so you can easily see your expense totals as well as projected revenue.

Sample Rehearsal Checklist (Objective / Relationship Work)

Contributed by Lindsay Johnson

I find that my middle school students really struggle with unstructured rehearsal time. These graded checklists help me make sure that work is getting done and keep me circulating and checking in with each group!

Sample Rehearsal Checklist (Character Work with Student Directors)

Contributed by Lindsay Johnson

Here's another example of a rehearsal checklist to use with middle schoolers. This one involves student directed partner scenes, with focus on character movement.

Simple Written Assignment Rubric

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Here is the SIMPLEST of the three rubrics I created to use for my typical daily short writing assignments. This one is for the beginner class daily prompt. It is how I start class, and I call it the "Lights Up!" assignment. It is a simple and effective way to get them geared up for the day's lesson/topic. They get a half sheet of scrap paper and 10 minutes to respond to a prompt of some kind: a quote, question, paragraph, video, or picture. The 3 simple rubrics I am sharing here have taken the place of the old-school Check Plus, Check, and Check Minus type of grading. And as you can see, I can grade things fairly quickly using this.

Simple Written Reflection Assignment Rubric

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Here is the second of the three rubrics I created to use for my typical daily short writing assignments. This one is for a more in depth writing/response class daily prompt. They may have 10-15 minutes for this one to respond to a prompt of some kind: a quote, question, paragraph, video, or picture. The 3 simple rubrics I am sharing here have taken the place of the old-school Check Plus, Check, and Check Minus type of grading. And as you can see, I can grade things fairly quickly using this.

Written Reflection Rubric

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Here is the third of the three rubrics I created to use for my typical writing assignments. This one is for the more in-depth reflection response and the student have much more time to complete it that the 10 minutes or so of the other ones I shared. It still allows me to grade things fairly quickly using this!

Theatre Etiquette and Stage Craft Rubric

Contributed by Kathleen Bryant

A weekly accountability check in for theatre students. Students self assess at the end of the week. Teacher has a chance to see how they rank themselves and provide quick weekly feedback on how to improve their work in the class.

Production Team Application

Contributed by Christa Vogt

By using an application, I have found it helps bring forward only those who are serious about the commitment, since they have to take the time to fill out an application! You can simply adjust the "available positions" as you need per production. I do not accept late applications, and like with auditions, unfortunately not everyone is guaranteed a position on any given show.

Costume Design Project rubric

Contributed by Christa Vogt

This rubric works for the end of a Costume Design and Construction unit. By looking at the criteria, you can see where the unit takes the students from start to finish.

Ensemble Art lesson with Safety Contract activity

Contributed by Christa Vogt

The safety contract within this lesson provides a way to establish a supportive, positive, and open environment in the classroom. It immediately gets the students invested and accountable. Once written, you can refer back to it as a class as often as needed for reflection and/or behavior adjustment purposes. The activity may work even better using the Affinity Mapping strategy.

How to make & use a memorization Cheat Sheet

Contributed by Lindsay Johnson

Here's a great tool for students who are struggling with memorization. It can also be a way to make sure students who aren't rehearsing are using their time well.


Contributed by Lea Marshall

An evening where our Thespians run a night of DRAMA activities for Elementary School Students. We put the students in groups (based on their grade level) and each group had 3 PAJAMA PARTY PALS who were with them ALL EVENING (for safety and consistency.) The groups rotate between the cafeteria (CRAFT-ATERIA for craft activites), the Theatre Room for small table games, and the Stage for creating a short play with your group. In between each activity change, ALL the kids came onstage for a DANCE & FREEZE party and a large group game of Ships & Sailors. At the end of the evening, all the Thespians working the activity centers came on stage to put on an Improv show (using audience ideas) for our "audience" of students and parents who came to pick up their students! We charged $25 a student. Had pizza, juice boxes, and desserts donated by parents.

Production Response

Contributed by Christa Vogt

This is a simple assessment my students can do after watching a required production. It is designed to get them to identify discuss concepts they have learned, as well as help instill an appreciation of theatre.

Script Response

Contributed by Christa Vogt

This is a simple assessment students can do after reading a script, as an alternate assignment to attending a production.

Stage Makeup

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Here is a series of 6 PowerPoints I have created for my stage makeup unit. There are YouTube video links in many to provide your students with tutorials and examples. They are numbered 3.1-3.6 simply because Stage Makeup is my Unit 3 in Technical Theatre. (1 of 6)

Stage Makeup (2 of 6)

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Here is the second lesson in my Stage Makeup unit.

Stage Makeup (3 of 6)

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Third lesson of the unit.

Stage Makeup (4 of 6)

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Fourth lesson of the unit.

Stage Makeup (5 of 6)

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Fifth lesson of the unit. I spend quite a bit of time doing demos on volunteers for this one, whereas for the other ones I do partial demos to get things started for them.

Stage Makeup (6 of 6)

Contributed by Christa Vogt

Sixth and final lesson in the unit.
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