SEL Monologue Project

0 - Overview

Students will analyze and rehearse a monologue based on their research and answers of various SEL monologue worksheets. By approaching their monologues through the lens of social-emotional learning, students will connect to their scripted material in a more authentic way. In addition, through the process of applying SEL concepts to their monologue performances, students will observe how the components of SEL can be applied to their own real-world situations.

01 - Part 1: Self-Awareness

Students will build a deep self-awareness of their characters by answering a series of questions about aspects of their characters’ psychological profile.

02 - Part 2: Self-Management

In Part 2 of the Monologue Project, students will examine various methods of self-management with managing emotions and behaviours. Students will analyze their characters by identifying the emotional arc of their monologues, map the emotional changes that occur over the course of the work, and predict potential emotional changes that may occur.

03 - Part 3: Social Awareness

In Part 3 of the Monologue Project, students will demonstrate social awareness by generating and building the given circumstances that define their monologues. Students will answer a series of questions designed to expand the foundations and depth of their monologues. This includes creating empathy by exploring their monologues through the eyes of a different character.

04 - Part 4: Relationship Skills

In Part 4 of the Monologue Project, students will identify who they are speaking to and how they feel about that person. Students will examine the relationship dynamics of their characters in relation to other characters in the world of their monologues. This will allow them to approach their monologues from a variety of emotional perspectives.

05 - Part 5: Responsible Decision Making

Part 5 of the SEL Monologue Project will explore responsible decision making for both performer and audience. In order to successfully prepare and present a monologue, a series of responsible decisions must be made. In addition, audience members are also required to make good decisions while observing and responding to the presented monologues. In this final portion of the SEL Monologue Project, students will practice responsible decision making as both performer and audience. Students will present and reflect on their monologues while their peers provide thoughtful and appropriate feedback.
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