Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 841-860 of 2310 in total

Crafts of Technical Theatre

by Karen Loftus

Students will identify areas of technical theatre known as “crafts” and explore how the use of these crafts affects storytelling.

Who's Who in a Theatre Company

by Karen Loftus

Students will identify and understand the roles and responsibilities in a theatre company: artistic, production, and business.

Areas and Elements of the Stage

by Karen Loftus

Students will identify and apply their knowledge of the areas and elements of the stage.

Types of Theatre Spaces

by Karen Loftus

Students will identify and apply knowledge of different types of theatre spaces.

Research Project: What is Theatre Production?

by Karen Loftus

Students will research a tech theatre organization and apply their knowledge by creating a marketing brochure.

Line and Shape

by Karen Loftus

Students explore the design concepts of line and shape and how they can be used by a designer to affect an audience.

The Effects of Colour

by Karen Loftus

Students continue to explore design through the effects of colour and apply their knowledge.

Research Project: Elements of Design

by Karen Loftus

Students will research and apply knowledge on the effect of colour.

What is Scenic Design?

by Karen Loftus

Students explore the effect scenic design can have on storytelling using designed environments from known TV shows and movies.

The Scenic Design Process

by Karen Loftus

Students explore the process of scenic design so they: • Have a guided path for work that they might create. • Understand what information designers need in order to create.

Utilizing the Script

by Karen Loftus

Students analyze a script to determine scenic needs. They utilize thumbnail sketches to explore potential designs for a play.

Drafting - Part 1

by Karen Loftus

Students explore an element of scenic design and apply their knowledge in a drafting exercise. They will use this information when they create a ground plan as part of their scenic design.

Drafting - Part 2

by Karen Loftus

Students apply their knowledge by creating a ground plan.


by Karen Loftus

Students explore an element of scenic design and apply their knowledge to create a rendering.

Virtual Scene/Set Shop

by Karen Loftus

Students identify tools used in a set/scene shop and understand their functions. They explore the tools by creating a virtual set/scene shop using traditional classroom supplies.

Shop Safety

by Karen Loftus

Students will identify, comprehend, and demonstrate their knowledge of shop safety by creating a public safety announcement.

Building Stage Flats

by Karen Loftus

Students will be able to identify the various elements of a stage flat and comprehend the skills, process, and math required to construct a stage flat.

Gridding Project

by Karen Loftus

Students experiment with the scaling technique of gridding as a way to enlarge a smaller image and mimic the technique scenic painters use to create backdrops.
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