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Displaying items 901-920 of 2310 in total

Independent Musical Project

by Laramie Dean

This is the last lesson before students present their pieces for assessment.

Original Musical Presentation & Final Assessment

by Laramie Dean

Students present their original musicals components for assessment.

Creating Character Movement Through Archetypes

by Annie Dragoo

In this lesson, students learn to identify characters with an archetype. They participate in various exercises to help them understand that archetypes all move and speak differently. Students will explore the statement “movement brings meaning to our life.” Use this lesson to explore character movement, types of character movement, and applying character movement to their own work.

Using Statistics as Scene Starters

by Kerry Hishon

This lesson provides two different exercises for students to try: Silly Statistics (Improv Game) and Serious Statistics (Theatre Exploration Project). The objective of this lesson is to give students the chance to think differently about how scenes can be developed and to show that ideas can come from just about anywhere—even supposedly “non-theatre-related” classes and topics.

Partner Scene Brainstorming

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will create a scene outline by brainstorming and selecting the key foundations of their scene (setting, relationships, and conflicting objectives).

Script Drafting

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will create a script draft that includes the five required lines to establish character, setting, conflict, rising action, and resolution.

Script Formatting

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will create a script draft that includes scene setting, expression, and movement notes.

Peer Script Workshopping

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will review and help workshop a peer’s script before hearing feedback and making changes to their own scripts.

Set Design and Blocking

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will create a set design and add blocking notes to their scripted scenes.

Final Revision Rehearsal

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will revise their set designs and scripts to achieve “Meets” or “Exceeds” on the rubrics. They will also give peer feedback and rehearse their scenes for vocal clarity, expression, and open body.

Scripted Scene Performance Assessment

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will perform their final partner scene for assessment in front of the class. They will also complete an audience feedback sheet where they give their peers feedback on rubric skills.

Introduction to Directors and Close Reading of Scene

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students are introduced to the different tasks the director and the actor take on in a scene, complete an application for which role they would like to take on, and tackle a close reading of the unit scene.


by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will run auditions, or participate in them, for the scene, and directors will cast their scenes.

Planning and Memorization

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, actors will have their lines completely memorized using a cheat sheet, and directors will complete their scene prep (props, set design, blocking).

Objective and Tactics

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will complete four rehearsals of their scenes using Objective and Tactics Rehearsal Checklist, focusing on objective and tactics.


by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will complete three to five rehearsals of their scenes using a rehearsal checklist, focusing on level changes.

Voice Expression

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will complete three to five rehearsals of their scenes using a rehearsal checklist, focusing on voice expression changes.

Movement Review

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will complete four rehearsals of their scenes using a rehearsal checklist, focusing on movement skills (blocking, tactics, levels).

Projection and Final Rehearsal

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will complete three to five rehearsals of their scenes using a rehearsal checklist, focusing on projection skills (voice clarity, open body).

Directed Scenes Performance Assessment

by Lindsay Johnson

In this lesson, students will perform their scene for assessment in front of the class. They will also complete an audience feedback sheet where they give their peers feedback on rubric skills.
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