Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 121-140 of 693 in total

Drama One

by Karen Loftus

This is a curriculum map for a comprehensive theatre class. The purpose of the curriculum is to give students an overview of theatre in general. The super objective of this course is to have students “bring it all together” at the end in a culminating project. The essential questions for the year: * What are the most important tools of the actor? * Who’s who in the theatre? The answer to the first question is mind, body, and voice. Each unit reflects one of those tools: pantomime—body, improvisation—mind, etc. The answer to the second is explored throughout the curriculum.

Middle School

by Lindsay Johnson

This is a curriculum for a scene study semester at the middle school level. The goal for each unit is to build off the knowledge and skills gained in the previous unit so students are gradually adding to their abilities as they progress through different types of scene performance assessments. Students begin with the acting basics they need to create a successful scene: ensemble skills, improvisation, projection, vocal clarity and expression, characterization, pantomime, objective and tactics. They will learn script structure, blocking, and stage directions and how to give, receive and apply feedback. They will explore aspects beyond acting such as directing and simple set design.

Relax, Have Fun and Don’t Force the Humour

by Karen Loftus

Students discuss what it means to not “force” the humour. They play all the games from the unit in a high risk setting, as volunteers in front of the class.

Accept the Offer

by Karen Loftus

Students apply this guidelines through the games “Yes and…” “Yes Let’s,” and Low Risk Experts.

Improvised Arguments

by Rachel Atkins

In this final lesson, students explore two different characters whose opposing points of view or arguments create a conflict. They will identify the objectives or arguments for each character. They will act out a scene between those two characters multiple times, playing both characters. Finally, they will write an argument from one character’s point of view – and support it with evidence.

Take the Active Choice

by Karen Loftus

Students discuss what it means to take the active choice and apply the concept in Quiet Scenes.

Make Choices/Bring Information

by Karen Loftus

Students learn the word “endow” and apply the concept through the exercise Low Risk Endowment.

Ancient Greek Theatre

by Karen Loftus

This unit on Ancient Greek theatre focuses on the function of the chorus, the choral ode, and the details of the theatre space. It touches on plays and playwrights of the era, culminating in a final project of a modern version of Medea that includes a choral ode.

Producing Organizations: Educational Theatre

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 6, VIDEO 2 Thousands of people make a living in educational theatre. The three most common types of educational theatre are elementary and secondary theatre, community college theatre, and university theatre. You are probably pretty familiar with the first branch, elementary and secondary school theatre. The...

School Startup - Session One

Hosted by Karen Loftus, Matt Webster, and Jennine Profeta

Learn about the most important things for the first week of school - from ice breaker games, to classroom procedures, to setting the tone from Day 1. Watch this replay to learn tips and tricks to start your school year off on the right foot! Hosted by DTA instructors Karen Loftus, Lindsay Price, Jennine Profeta, and Matt Webster. Recorded on August 14th, 2015 at 2pm.


Distance Learning ideas vs Zoom or other video conference platform.

Movie Styles

Distance Learning ideas vs Zoom or other video conference platform.

Make Your Partner Look Good

by Karen Loftus

Students apply this guideline through the games Cars, Vans, Buses, Blocking on Purpose, Questions Only and Here Comes Charley.

Extended Run

Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 7, VIDEO 2 Les Mis, Phantom, Chicago, Lion King, Jersey Boys, Mamma Mia, and Wicked are just a few of the shows in musical theatre history that have become long-run shows, meaning they have run for more than five years. In the case of Phantom, it has...

Commercial Theatre and Not-For-Profit

Practical Technical Theatre

CAREERS IN THEATRE LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 Since this program is all about making a living in theatre, its important to have an idea where the money comes from to pay salaries and all the other costs of producing a show. The producers of a show have the ultimate responsibility...


Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 3, VIDEO 1 A big part of stage managing is showing the actors and the other crew members that they are in good hands. You dont want anyone spending any energy wondering if youre up to your job as a stage manager. You want to make it...

Communication (Pre-Rehearsal)

Practical Technical Theatre

STAGE MANAGEMENT LESSON 4, VIDEO 1 Once youve read the play, you will need to sit down and talk to the director. Youll need to find out if there are any special needs for this production that might not be mentioned in the text. For example, they might want to...

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 So what does a sound system look like in a professional theatre? Lets take a look at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center on the campus of The University of Missouri St. Louis. There are two outstanding performance spaces here,...

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 So what does a sound system look like in a professional theatre? Lets take a look at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center on the campus of The University of Missouri St. Louis. There are two outstanding performance spaces here,...

Practical Technical Theatre

AUDIO FOR THEATRE: SOUND REINFORCEMENT LESSON 2, VIDEO 1 So what does a sound system look like in a professional theatre? Lets take a look at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center on the campus of The University of Missouri St. Louis. There are two outstanding performance spaces here,...
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