Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1501-1520 of 2310 in total

The Secret Scene Partner

Teach students how to create a secret scene partner when they perform a monologue.

Playwriting: Developing A Point of View

One of the best things a playwright can do is develop a point of view. This is a self reflection exercise and scene writing exercise all rolled into one.

Analysis and Exercise: A Raisin in the Sun

An Analysis and Activities Guide on A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. Use this Guide in conjunction with classroom study of the play.

Acting: Playing with Pace

Pace is an important part of monologue and dialogue delivery. Use this movie moment to teach students about playing with the delivery speed.

Scenes for Classroom Study: You

Use this scene in your classroom for character study, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions, and however else you can imagine. Characters: John (17), Juan (16), Joe (17) Genre: Drama

Scenes for Classroom Study: Among Friends and Clutter

Use this scene in your classroom for character study, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions, and however else you can imagine. Characters: Jo, May, Helen. (all 16) Genre: Drama

Character Development: Shakespeare

It's easy to ignore character development in a Shakespeare monologue. There's so many other things to think about! But it's doubly important to pay attention to your character – the character is what makes your monologue come to life. Learn how to make Shakespeare character come to life.

Learning Lines

Learning lines comes easy for some and not so easy for others. Download these exercises you can use with your students to get those lines down pat.

There are no small parts, only small choices

How can we keep every actor engaged? Give them something to explore, even if they only have one line. Do this exercise with your class or with your cast. Every actor can benefit from learning how to approach a single line.

Why so Emotional? A Guide for Highly Charged Scenes

A guide for teachers to help with their student actors; to find the right balance within an emotional performance, including exercises that can be explored to counteract overemotional acting.

Scenes for Classroom Study: The Four Hags of the Apocalypse Eat Salad at their General Meeting

Use this scene in your classroom for character study, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions, and however else you can imagine. Characters: Devour, Image, Purge, Starve Genre: Drama

Audition Advice

Four key steps to preparing for an audition are outlined in this guide that will help students prepare for auditions.

Exercise: The Celebrity Gift Bag

Use this exercise to inspire creativity and quick thinking in your classroom.

Picture Prompt: Awkward

Students sometimes have a hard time with improv because they don’t know where to start. How do I make up lines on the spot? All they need is a little push to get them moving in the right direction. Use picture prompts.

Playing Status

Use these two monologues from the movie Little Voice to discuss status and changing status with your students.

Rehearsal Exercises

When you’ve been working on a scene for class or within a play for a while, sometimes things get stale. You know there’s something wrong with the moment, but can’t figure out what it is or where to go. Try these rehearsal exercises to shake up scene work.

Scenes for Classroom Study: Hoodie

Use this scene in your classroom for character study, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions, and however else you can imagine. Characters: Trilby (12) and Charlotte (12) Genre: Dramedy

Scenes for Classroom Study: Body Body (Scene 2)

Use this scene in your classroom for character study, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions, and however else you can imagine. Characters: Gerald and Madeline (both 16) Genre: Comedy
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