Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1701-1720 of 2310 in total

Scenes for Classroom Study: Tick Talk 2

Use this scene in your classroom for character study, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions, and however else you can imagine. Characters: What and Nothing Genre: Drama

Masterclass with Reay Kaplan Maxwell: Puppeteering

Masterclass is a series of one-on-one interviews with experts, creators and innovators in the world of Theatre that you can study in-depth, or share with your classes. Think of this series as 'Inside the Actor's Studio' for Drama Teachers. In this masterclass, Matt Webster talks to to Reay Kaplan Maxwell, an actress and professional puppeteer. This discussion focuses on her experience as a professional puppeteer.

00 - Overview

In this toolkit you will find experiences to foster creativity without the stress of performance. There’s no product or assessments. The important thing is engagement in a safe environment. The overview provides a full list of resources in the toolkit.

01 - The Creative Classroom

This resources describes a successful creative classroom, including procedures and norm setting, and also includes additional resources to encourage creativity: self-reflection sentence starters, brainstorming, bring on the silly, how do you encourage creativity, questions for creative norm setting and different ways to create groups.

02 - Creativity Quotes

A handout with quotes to share with your students to illicit response - all on the subject of creativity.

03 - Reflections

A series of reflections for both teachers and students, all related to creativity and the creative process.

04 - Experiences to Increase Student Creativity

A handout that includes a list and description of experiences you can introduce in the classroom, to increase student creativity.

05 - Large Group Experiences

A series of activities to introduce in the drama classroom with large groups, that encourage creativity.

06 - Small Group Experiences

A series of activities to use with small groups in the drama classroom, to encourage creativity.

07 - Individual Experiences

A series of activities for students to try as individuals, to encourage creativity.

08 - Movement Experiences

A series of experiences listed in a specific order, to build skill in creativity with groups of students.
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