
Commedia Exercise: Opposite Day

This exercise helps to demonstrate the concept of status, and how the status of a character affects how they act and how they treat others.

Commedia Stock Characters

Use this handy chart to review Commedia stock characters and their descriptions.

High and Low Status

One of the ways that we can learn about status is by physically playing status in the body. Use these descriptions to physicalize high/low status with your students in the Status Walks Game.

The Comedy Cornerstones for Commedia

A guide to the four necessary comedic tools for playing Commedia dell’arte: status, appetite, swing, and intention/invention.

What is Lazzi?

Lazzi is a comic bit or piece of comic shtick based on character. In this handout, students learn where to start with Lazzi, with examples of Commedia characters and how they perform Lazzi.
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