Creativity Toolkit

00 - Overview

In this toolkit you will find experiences to foster creativity without the stress of performance. There’s no product or assessments. The important thing is engagement in a safe environment. The overview provides a full list of resources in the toolkit.

01 - The Creative Classroom

This resources describes a successful creative classroom, including procedures and norm setting, and also includes additional resources to encourage creativity: self-reflection sentence starters, brainstorming, bring on the silly, how do you encourage creativity, questions for creative norm setting and different ways to create groups.

02 - Creativity Quotes

A handout with quotes to share with your students to illicit response - all on the subject of creativity.

03 - Reflections

A series of reflections for both teachers and students, all related to creativity and the creative process.

04 - Experiences to Increase Student Creativity

A handout that includes a list and description of experiences you can introduce in the classroom, to increase student creativity.

05 - Large Group Experiences

A series of activities to introduce in the drama classroom with large groups, that encourage creativity.

06 - Small Group Experiences

A series of activities to use with small groups in the drama classroom, to encourage creativity.

07 - Individual Experiences

A series of activities for students to try as individuals, to encourage creativity.

08 - Movement Experiences

A series of experiences listed in a specific order, to build skill in creativity with groups of students.

09 - Vocal Experiences

A series of vocal experiences to use with students in the drama classroom, focused on encouraging creativity.

10 - Improv Experiences

Improv activities for students, including an additional handout on CWOW.
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