Creating a Musical: Project

Created by Annie Dragoo

Want a fun project that has your students collaborating and creating? In this unit by Annie Dragoo, students in groups will write and perform an original musical by adding modern songs to a traditional fairy tale story.

The six lessons take students from writing their script, to choreography and planned movement, to rehearsing, performing and evaluation.

The Rubric will focus on student performance. That means vocal delivery, emotional delivery, blocking/choreography, energy, focus, and characters.

The overview outlines the lessons, time management, and guidelines for the unit.
1: Writing the Musical
Students will write a musical by adding modern songs to a traditional fairy tale story.
2: Choreographing the Musical
Students will choreograph their original musicals by planning and rehearsing the movement for each song.
3: Blocking the Musical
Students will block/stage their original musicals by planning and rehearsing the movement for the dialogue.
4: Rehearsing the Musical
Students will rehearse their original musicals, putting finishing touches and memorizing lines, blocking, and movement.
5: Performing the Musical
Students will apply everything they have worked on throughout this unit: writing, choreography, blocking, and rehearsing.
6: Evaluating the Performance
Students will evaluate their performances in their original musicals.

Standards Addressed

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