Created by Allison Williams
This unit focuses on having students gain an understanding of basic physical acting and learn some specific tools to use in mask work. Instructor Allison Williams has developed this unit, and explains "What I love most about mask work is how, by having students cover their faces, they are able to find freedom to express themselves physically. They often make bigger choices than we’re normally used to seeing them make in class."
In this unit, students will work step by step from identifying shapes in the mask to using those shapes to creating a character zero to learning how to move in the mask utilizing the qualities of movement to applying everything they’ve learned in short scenes. The unit will culminate with students working in pairs to create original mask scenes.
You will need masks to complete the unit. And while mask-making can be a lot of fun, it’s a lengthy and messy project. A list is provided in the Overview of where you may be able to buy or rent masks for use in your classroom.
National Core Arts Standards
Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation - Grade 6
Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation - Grade HS Accomplished
TH:Pr4.1.HSII.a - Discover how unique choices shape believable and sustainable drama/ theatre work.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Advanced
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade 6
TH:Pr5.1.6.a - Recognize how acting exercises and techniques can be applied to a drama/theatre work.
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade 7
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade 8
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade HS Proficient
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Accomplished
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work - Grade HS Advanced
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 6
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 7
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 8
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade HS Proficient
California VAPA Standards (2019)
6.TH:Pr4 Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Acc.TH:Pr4 Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Acc.TH:Pr4.a - Discover how unique choices shape believable and sustainable drama/ theatre work.
Adv.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
6.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
6.TH:Pr5.a - Recognize how acting exercises and techniques can be applied to a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
8.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Prof.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Acc.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Acc.TH:Cr2.b - Cooperate as a creative team to make interpretive choices for a drama/theatre work.
Adv.TH:Cr2 Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
6.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
6.TH:Cr3.b - Identify effective physical and vocal traits of characters in a drama/theatre work.
7.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
8.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Prof.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
High School - Fundamental Pathway
High School - Advanced Pathway
High School - Professional Pathway
Common Core
Reading: Literature
Florida Sunshine State Standards
Critical Thinking & Reflection
Innovation, Technology & the Future
Georgia Performance Standards - Theatre Arts
Grade 6 - Creating
Grade 7 - Creating
Grade 8 - Creating
Grades 9-12 - ACTING LEVELS I-IV - Creating
Grades 9-12 - ADVANCED DRAMA LEVELS I-IV -Responding
North Carolina Essential Standards 2024
Beginning High School Create
B.CR.1.1 - Devise a variety of scenarios and scenes through improvised and scripted activities.
Beginning High School Present
B.PR.2.1 - Develop scripted or devised theatre for presentation.
Intermediate High School Present
I.PR.2.1 - Develop scenes for formal or informal presentations.
Accomplished High School Create
Accomplished High School Present
AC.PR.1.2 - Display a progression of character moments within the performance of theatrical texts.
Advanced High School Connect
Advanced High School Create
Advanced High School Present
AD.PR.2.4 - Adapt staging and direction for various stage configurations.
Advanced High School Respond
AD.RE.1.2 - Evaluate the impact of theatrical works on intended audiences.
North Carolina Essential Standards 2010
Beginning High School Standards - Communication
Beginning High School Standards - Culture
Intermediate High School Standards - Communication
I.C.2.2 - Interpret scenes through formal and informal presentations.
Proficient High School Standards - Communication
P.C.1.3 - Create original works, such as monologues, scenes, or performance pieces.
Advanced High School Standards - Communication
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Theatre Arts
MS 117.212 LII - Creative Expression: performance
B.2.G - create improvised scenes that include setting, character, and plot.
MS 117.213 LIII - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
B.1.C - create expressive movement and mime to define space and characters.
MS 117.213 LIII - Creative Expression: performance
B.2.A - demonstrate safe use of the voice and body.
B.2.B - portray characters through familiar movements and dialogue.
Alberta, Canada
Improvisation Drama 10
13 - communicate meaning without words
15 - initiate a dramatic situation in response to a given stimulus
19 - demonstrate techniques for creating effective entrances and exits, consistent with character
Improvisation Drama 20
33 - sustain a single character in a variety of situations
35 - demonstrate understanding of how the use of levels and planes can focus the stage picture
Improvisation Drama 30
37 - demonstrate various ways of expressing emotions that are consistent with a character
Acting Drama 20
5 - demonstrate a character’s main objective within a scene
6 - demonstrate a character’s immediate or moment-to-moment objectives within a scene
Acting Drama 30
20 - physicalize character through selected and economical movement and gesture
22 - display appropriate character relationships with all other characters in a scene
Movement Drama 10
11 - demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts
12 - demonstrate knowledge of elements of space
16 - create and repeat patterns of movement
21 - demonstrate the ability to extend a movement
23 - demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story
Improvisation/Acting Level III - Advanced
Movement Level I - Beginning
13 - control focus and energy in movement and gesture
14 - create shapes with the body
16 - demonstrate freezing of movement
17 - use movement to communicate non-verbally
2 - demonstrate awareness of personal and shared space
5 - move individual body parts
7 - demonstrate awareness of his or her own body and its movement potential
9 - travel through space in a variety of ways e.g., running, creeping and jumping
Movement Level II - Intermediate
21 - display clarity of movement and gesture
22 - use exaggerated movement and gesture
25 - communicate environment, character and situation nonverbally
Movement Level III - Advanced
27 - create and sustain mood through movement
28 - coordinate movement and movement patterns with other students
Improvisation/Acting Level I - Beginning
2 - respond to directions without breaking concentration-side coaching
3 - demonstrate the ability to be still
4 - create experiences through imaging, visualizing and fantasizing
Improvisation/Acting Level II - Intermediate
13 - recognize the techniques of offering, accepting, advancing and blocking
15 - use the body and body language to enhance characterization
16 - demonstrate economy in movement and speech
24 - recognize that relationships exist between characters in given situations
British Columbia (2018)
GRADE 6 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
GRADE 6 - ARTS - Reasoning and reflecting
GRADE 6 - ARTS - Communicating and documenting
Express, feelings, ideas, and experiences through the arts
Interpret and communicate ideas using symbols and elements to express meaning through the arts
Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences
GRADE 7 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
GRADE 7 - ARTS - Communicating and documenting
Express, feelings, ideas, and experiences through the arts
Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences
GRADE 8 - ARTS - Exploring and creating
GRADE 8 - ARTS - Reasoning and reflecting
GRADE 8 - ARTS - Communicating and documenting
Interpret and communicate ideas using symbols and elements to express meaning through the arts
Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Exploring and creating
Take creative risks to experience and express thoughts, emotions, and meaning
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Reasoning and reflecting
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Communicating and documenting
Compose, interpret, and expand ideas using symbolism, imagery, and elements
GRADE 9 - DRAMA - Connecting and expanding
Collaborate through reciprocal relationships during creative processes
Demonstrate respect for themselves, others, and the audience
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Create dramatic works with an intended audience in mind
Develop performance skills in a variety of contexts
Experiment with a range of props, processes, and technologies
Explore and create dramatic works to express ideas and emotions
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
GRADE 10 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Create dramatic works for an intended audience
Develop and refine performance skills in a variety of contexts
Improvise and take creative risks using imagination, exploration, and inquiry
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Demonstrate awareness of self, others, and audience
Receive and apply constructive feedback to develop and refine ideas
GRADE 11 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Explore and Create
Develop and refine performance skills in a variety of contexts
Develop dramatic works for an intended audience
Improvise and take creative risks using imagination, exploration, and inquiry
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Reason and reflect
Receive, provide, and apply constructive feedback to refine dramatic works
Use self-reflection and awareness of audience to refine ideas
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Communicate and document
Experience and express emotions through dramatic conventions
GRADE 12 - DRAMA - Connect and expand
Ontario, Canada
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Responsible Practices
Grades 9 & 10 - Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing - Drama and Society
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - Presentation Techniques & Technologies
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - Elements and Conventions
Grades 9 & 10 - Creating and Presenting - The Creative Process
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