Part of the Drama Two Curriculum

Monologues - Part 1

Created by Matthew Banaszynski

The Drama Two Curriculum was created as a model that empowers teachers to leverage the full content of the DTA Lesson Plan Library as either a foundation, or a supplement, to their entire classroom curriculum. With that in mind, Part 1 of this unit is built directly upon Matt Banaszynski’s excellent unit on writing monologues, Monologue Writing Made Easy.

In Part 1 of the Monologue Unit, students will learn the building blocks of how to write a monologue from story construction,
writing drafts, receiving feedback, and performing their original monologue.

The overview lays out the objectives, description, and lessons for the unit, including pre-knowledge requirements and review.
Additional Attachments
1: An Introduction to Monologue Writing
Students will start the process of writing a monologue by storytelling. They will tell a story based only on what they observe in a picture.
2: Go Tell it on a Mountain: How Does a Story Work?
Students will understand the parts of a story and how it relates to a monologue through the framework of a story mountain.
3: Climbing the Mountain: Analyzing Monologues
Students will plot the steps of the story mountain by using existing monologues.
4: And Then I... (Monologue Writing)
Students will start writing their own monologues using a preselected phrase as a starting point.
5: This is a draft, it is only a draft (Monologue Writing)
Using their rough drafts from the starter prompts, students will work in pairs to edit their drafts to make cleaner stories. Students will also map out their drafts on a story mountain diagram to make sure that they follow the proper format.
6: More Minds are Better than One (Monologue Writing)
Students will work in groups to turn their previous drafts into final drafts of their monologues.
7: And Now We Perform
Students will perform their monologues in front of the class and reflect on the process.

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