Part of the Drama One Curriculum


Created by Karen Loftus

Students will explore the structural elements of a play: character, objective, obstacles, tactics, resolution, and raising the stakes. They will also learn how to write character-driven dialogue and stage directions. Students will work in groups to create and present a short play.

Unit Overview
The overview lays out the structure of the unit, including objectives, materials list, lesson structure and assessment and time management tools.
Additional Attachments
1: Structure
Students begin their exploration of playwriting by learning about structure and applying the elements in a writing exercise.
2: Dialogue
Students continue their exploration of playwriting by learning about dialogue and applying their knowledge through a group playwriting exercise.
3: Stage Directions
Students continue their exploration of playwriting by learning about stage directions, applying the elements to create a stage-directions scene, and applying tools to an open scene.
4: Character Dialogue and Development
Students continue their exploration of playwriting by learning about character dialogue and applying character details into a letter exercise.
5: The Unities
Students continue their exploration of playwriting by learning about Aristotle’s Unities of time, place, and action. They apply the Unities in an improv.
6: Writing: Part 1
Students continue their exploration of playwriting by starting to write as a group.
7: Writing: Part 2
Students continue their exploration of playwriting by starting to write as a group.
8: Unit Project
Groups complete their scripts, format it properly, then hand it in. Next, they will perform their scene and complete a final reflection.

Standards Addressed

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