Part of the Distance Learning Curriculum
Created by Lindsay Price
Students are introduced to scene work performance through a contentless scene unit. Students prepare and perform a contentless scene to demonstrate their understanding of characterization, staging technique, and working with conflict and stage business in a performance context.
National Core Arts Standards
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 6
Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation - Grade 6
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 7
Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation - Grade 7
TH:Pr4.1.7.b - Use various character objectives in a drama/theatre work.
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Grade 8
Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation - Grade 8
Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - High School Proficient
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation - Grade HS Accomplished
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade 7
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work - Grade 7
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work - Grade HS Proficient
TH:Pr6.1.HSI.a - Perform a scripted drama/theatre work for a specific audience.
Refine new work through play, drama processes and theatre experiences using critical analysis and experimentation - Grade HS Advanced
California VAPA Standards (2019)
6.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
6.TH:Pr4 Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
7.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
7.TH:Pr4 Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
7.TH:Pr4.b - Use various character objectives in a drama/theatre work.
8.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
8.TH:Pr4 Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Prof.TH:Cr1 Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
Acc.TH:Pr5 Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
7.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
7.TH:Pr6 Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
67TH:Pr6 - Create through improvisation a drama/theatre work that will be shared with an audience.
Prof.TH:Pr6 Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Prof.TH:Pr6 - Perform a rehearsed, scripted short drama/theatre work for a specific audience.
Adv.TH:Cr3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
DT.7.2.1.b - Students Can: Apply various character objectives in a drama/theatre work.
Eighth Grade
High School - Fundamental Pathway
High School - Advanced Pathway
Common Core
Speaking and Listening
Reading: Literature
Florida Sunshine State Standards
Critical Thinking & Reflection
Organizational Structure
Georgia Performance Standards - Theatre Arts
Grade 6 - Creating
Grade 8 - Creating
Grades 9-12 - ACTING LEVELS I-IV - Creating
North Carolina Essential Standards 2024
Beginning High School Create
B.CR.1.1 - Devise a variety of scenarios and scenes through improvised and scripted activities.
B.CR.2.1 - Adapt theatrical works using personal experiences through a collaborative process.
Intermediate High School Create
I.CR.1.1 - Develop a variety of unique characters within given situations through improvisation.
Intermediate High School Present
I.PR.2.1 - Develop scenes for formal or informal presentations.
Intermediate High School Respond
I.RE.1.1 - Compare the structure, style and genre of various written and presented theatrical works.
I.RE.1.2 - Analyze how theatre artists' choices reflect various genres and styles.
Accomplished High School Present
AC.PR.2.1 - Develop theatrical works for a specific audience, audition, or production.
Accomplished High School Respond
Advanced High School Present
North Carolina Essential Standards 2010
Beginning High School Standards - Communication
Intermediate High School Standards - Communication
I.C.2.2 - Interpret scenes through formal and informal presentations.
Intermediate High School Standards - Analysis
Proficient High School Standards - Communication
P.C.2.2 - Interpret monologues through formal and informal presentations.
Proficient High School Standards - Analysis
Advanced High School Standards - Communication
A.C.2.2 - Interpret scripts through formal and informal presentations.
Advanced High School Standards - Analysis
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Theatre Arts
MS 117.211 LI - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
C.1.E - identify theatrical vocabulary and terminology, including basic anatomy of theatre spaces.
C.1.F - identify the structure and form in examples of dramatic literature.
MS 117.211 LI - Creative Expression: performance
MS 117.212 LII - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
B.1.E - demonstrate knowledge of theatrical vocabulary and terminology.
B.1.F - analyze and evaluate the structure and form of dramatic literature.
MS 117.212 LII - Creative Expression: performance
B.2.B - define characters by what they do, what they say, and what others say about them.
HS 117.315 LI - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
HS 117.316 LII - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
HS 117.317 LIII - Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
C.1.A - apply theatre preparation and warm-up techniques effectively.
Alberta, Canada
Improvisation Drama 10
1 - use warmup techniques for preparation of body, voice and mind
Acting Drama 20
Theatre Studies Drama 30 (Early or Middle or Late drama)
Junior Goal II Objectives
Junior Goal III Objectives
develop awareness of various conventions of theatre
develop the ability to analyze and assess the process and the art
Junior Orientation
generate imaginative and creative solutions to problems
meet deadlines and follow through on individual and group commitments
offer and accept constructive criticism, given specific guidelines, with a desire to improve
recognize the purposes of and participate in warmup activities
Improvisation/Acting Level I - Beginning
7 - use stage vocabulary: stage areas, body positions and crosses
Improvisation/Acting Level II - Intermediate
Junior Goal I Objectives
develop a sense of responsibility and commitment
develop the willingness to make a decision, act upon it and accept the results
extend the ability to explore meaning through abstract concepts
Ontario, Canada
Grades 9 & 10 - Foundations - Concepts and Terminology
Grades 9 & 10 - Reflecting, Responding and Analyzing - Connections Beyond the Classroom
Virginia Standards Of Learning (2020)
Grade Six
6.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatrical works
6.4 - The student will identify connections between personal experience and dramatizations
6.5 - The student will identify communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Grade Seven
7.1 - The student will demonstrate creative thinking by improvising scenes from given situations.
7.2 - The student will demonstrate a creative process for theatre.
Grade Seven
7.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
7.4 - The student will justify personal responses to theatrical productions.
Grade Eight
8.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
8.5 - The student will apply communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.2 - The student will apply a creative process for theatre.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.3 - The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate theatre.
TI.5 - The student will apply communication and collaboration skills for theatre experiences.
Theatre Arts I: Introduction to Theatre
TI.14 - The student will demonstrate theatrical direction, including blocking and staging a scene.
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