Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 461-480 of 693 in total

Interpreting Adjudicators

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones

Taking a show to competition is always a roller coaster ride. But the highs and lows of performance don't stop when the curtain comes down: You still have to unravel the adjudicators comments and find a way to make them meaningful to your students! Join us for a talk about talkbacks, and learn to interpret that special language we call "Adjudication".

Curriculum 911

Hosted by Matt Webster and Karen Loftus

Curriculum 911 Curriculum planning help for drama teachers - lesson planning, how to integrate cross-curricular activities, resources, and more! Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on October 6, 2015 at 8pm.

Assessing Performance

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Christa Vogt

The school year is rapidly winding down and you’re knee-deep in assessment, rubrics, and reflections. But as a drama teacher, you also have performances to worry about. Which begs the question: What’s the best way to assess performance? This is the time to discuss strategies with our expert panel, and share your own best practices, as well as ways to fairly assess the performance aspect of the drama classroom.

Challenging Parents

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Jessica McGettrick

The only thing worse than a problem student, is a problem parent! Whether they are being woefully unsupportive, painfully overeager, or anything in between, it is a challenge to dial in the exact amount of parent involvement that will benefit your program. Join us for a conversation about dealing with parents so you can solve any problems BEFORE they start.

Engaging the Non-Theatre Student

Hosted by Matt Webster, Matt Banaszynski, and Lea Marshall

Learn from our guest panel how to engage even the most reluctant "non-theatre" student. Matt Webster hosts, joined by Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, and Matt Banaszynski. Recorded on March 22, 2016.

Summer Planning - The 3 R’s

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Amy Patel

Summer is upon us and it is time to plan how we are going to spend those glorious months! Rest? Relax? Recuperate? Of course! But also Read, Recharge and Reimagine! These summer months are a great time to take a breath and recover from the stresses of the previous year, but they are also a great time to apply some professional “Me Time” in order to get you excited and prepared for the year to come. Remember: A small investment in the summer will pay big returns during the school year. This PLC will cover some of the summertime basics that will get you charged up and ready to tackle a new year.

School Startup

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Tricia Oliver, Jeremy Bishop

Summer is winding down and a new year is gearing up! With the start of a new school year comes the annual check lists of Must Do, Should Do and Want to Do. Deciding what goes in each list will create the structure and set the tone for your entire year. Join us for a conversation, and preliminary planning session, that will list the lists and bring focus to the coming months.

Looking Ahead to the New Year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

This coming school year will be, in a word, unprecedented. It doesn't matter if you are a 30 year veteran or a brand new college grad, teachers have never faced the kinds of challenges that await them when classes start in the fall: Will classes be in person? What will our curriculum look like? Are productions possible? How do we keep our students safe? How do we keep OURSELVES safe? We don't know what this new year will look like, but we know one thing - Teachers will figure it out! We are going to roll up our sleeves, put on our thinking caps, and tap into our unlimited creativity to come up with a plan for ourselves, our students and our programs. Set a reminder in your calendar because you don't want to miss this PLC!

Social Emotional Learning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

Of all the learning categories that have been affected by the shift to remote education, the most consequential would have to be Social and Emotional Learning. Students around the world have been isolated from teachers and peers alike for months on end, and the result is an entire generation that needs help rebuilding their social skills and recognizing their emotional needs. Thankfully, there is no better place to teach these skills than the drama classroom. Join us for a PLC where we discuss the fact that Theatre teachers are uniquely positioned to help students both explore their emotions AND re-build relationships.

First Time in the drama classroom: Where do you start?

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Colin Oliver, Stacey Boone

If you’re a first-time drama teacher (or a first time teacher!) this is the PLC for you! Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of getting started. How do you launch a new program? What topics should you cover? How do you attract students to your new program? How is teaching theatre different from any other subject. If you’re a more experienced teacher, come help mentor the newbies. Join us with your stories of starting out. What do YOU wish you knew when you first started?

Send-Home Packet: Careers in the Arts

This packet includes an introduction for the teacher, and cover sheet for the student, to assign the Careers in the Arts packet for at-home distance learning, without technology. The attachments include separate interviews with individuals who have careers in the arts, so teachers can choose which to assign. Each attachment includes an interview to read, pre-reading questions, quiz, and reflection.

Staging Scenes in the Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Shelby Steege, Jeremy Bishop

Best practices for staging scenes in the drama classroom.

Distance Learning: Check In

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As many teachers take on a new and unexpected challenge of teaching remotely, we will take this PLC to check in, share tips and tricks, and offer support to each other.

Student Leadership

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Colin Oliver

Drama teachers often face a difficult dilemma: There are times when you need to be two or three places at once, and you need back up. But where can you turn for help? How about your class roster! Never underestimate the power of a dedicated student leader. By delegating duties and assigning responsibilities to your trusted students, you give yourself some breathing room, and you give them valuable leadership experience. Join us for this PLC on Student Leadership and set up your back up.


Hosted by Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, Heather Brandon

Getting ready for competition - from teachers who've been there! How to make it a fun, engaging, and productive experience for you and your students, no matter what the 'score'. Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, DTA member Heather Brandon, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on November 10, 2015 at 8pm

Rehearsal Ruts

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Jessica Fagerstrom

We are heading deep into rehearsal season and you can already feel the monotony starting to build: Rehearse, Review, Repeat. Rehearse, Review, Repeat. You are falling into a Rehearsal Rut. Never fear! We have just the conversation to shake up your routine and give your rehearsals a much needed shot in the arm. Get on board and get out of that rut!

Awesome Auditions

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Karen Loftus

How did your latest round of auditions go? Smooth sailing or full of choppy seas? This PLC will dive into best practices with the audition process whether it be for your spring musical or your next classroom production. Bring your best tips to share in the chat room.

Middle School Matters!

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson, Marisa Brady

Middle School theatre teachers are a special breed. Their highs are higher, their lows are lower, and the drama in their classroom is much more dramatic! But for all of that, middle school drama teachers don't typically get the respect and attention they deserve. Well we have something to say about that! That's right, we are dedicating this PLC to the trials, tribulations and triumphs that can only be found in a Middle School Drama classroom. Join in as we talk about the bravest, the craziest, the awesomest teachers in the whole school: Middle School Drama Teachers! Because Middle School Matters...

Technology in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Matt Webster, Heather Brandon, Jessica McGettrick

Nothing says "21st Century Teacher" like the skillful use of technology in the classroom. But for theatre teachers, it can be challenging to find technology that benefits our students and enhances our lessons. That's why we are dedicating this PLC to the use of technology in the drama classroom. We will explore such programs as Google Tools and Google Classroom, as well as other beneficial technology for classroom and stage. So join us to talk tech and face the 21st century head on!

Distance Learning: Monologue Writing

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

Monologue writing is an activity that is easily adaptable for distance learning. It’s also something that students can do without technology. Join us for a walk through a "no internet necessary" monologue writing project with added video conferencing options.
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