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Displaying items 1261-1280 of 2310 in total

Nasolabial Fold

by Matt Webster

This lesson will focus on the nasolabial fold. Students will work with a partner to examine the structures of the nasolabial fold. Once students identify where the highlights and shadows are located in that portion of the face, they will use the appropriate makeup to enhance the highlights and shadows.


by Matt Webster

This lesson will focus on the structure of the eyes. Students will work with a partner to examine the structures of the eyes. Once students identify where the highlights and shadows are located in that portion of the face, they will use the appropriate makeup to enhance the highlights and shadows.

Wrinkles, Stippling, and Finishing

by Matt Webster

This lesson will focus on the finishing and final looks of old age makeup, specifically wrinkles and stippling. Students will work with a partner to place these final effects on their partner’s face. Once students identify where to place these effects on the face, they will use the appropriate makeup to add these effects.

Complete Makeup Design on a Partner

by Matt Webster

This lesson will focus on completing an old age makeup design on a partner. Students will incorporate the previous lessons on the temple, forehead, cheeks, jaw, nose, lips, chin, nasolabial fold, and eyes as well as the one on wrinkles, stippling, and finishing into a complete, uniform old age makeup design on a partner.

Complete Makeup Design on Self

by Matt Webster

This lesson will focus on students completing an old age makeup design on themselves. Students will incorporate the previous lessons on the temple, forehead, cheeks, jaw, nose, lips, chin, nasolabial fold, and eyes as well as the one on wrinkles, stippling, and finishing into a complete, uniform old age makeup design they apply to their own face.

The Producer

by Drama Teacher Academy

Students will analyze the role of a producer as well as collaborate with a group to choose a play to produce and hire a creative team for the imaginary production.

The Director

by Drama Teacher Academy

Students will analyze the role of a director as well as practice communication skills that directors use to communicate with audiences, actors, and creative teams.

The Technical Director

by Drama Teacher Academy

Students will analyze the role of a technical director. They will also explore safety standards within a technical theatre scene shop and construct a budget for an imaginary production.

The Stage Manager

by Drama Teacher Academy

Students will analyze the role of a stage manager as well as employ service skills to facilitate solutions to issues that a stage manager may face.

Culminating Project

by Drama Teacher Academy

Students will identify skills of strong leadership in theatre management. They will employ leadership skills to create and accomplish project goals and objectives.

Script Analysis: The Basics

by Lindsay Price

Students will begin their staging journey by compiling the basics of the scene. They will read the scene and identify some general knowledge that will help them in the rehearsal process.

Script Analysis: Close Reading

by Lindsay Price

Students will do a close reading of the text, multiple times, to mine for as much information as possible. At the end of each read, students identify possible staging idea for their character and for the plot.

Blocking Brainstorm

by Lindsay Price

In this lesson, students will get on their feet and apply what they have learned through analysis in a blocking brainstorm.

Script Analysis: Scoring

by Lindsay Price

The last script analysis step is scoring. To score a scene means to divide the dialogue into beats and then add action words for each beat. Scoring gives students another avenue for exploratory blocking.

Beats and Action Words

by Lindsay Price

This unit now moves into the second phase of the rehearsal process: staging. Students will start by taking their script analysis work with beats and action words and apply it to their scenes through exploratory movement.

Character Physicalization, Part 1

by Lindsay Price

In this lesson, students will explore their character’s physicality. These exercises don’t require any assigned blocking, and students only have to memorize one line.

Initial Blocking

by Lindsay Price

Students will identify and notate existing blocking for their scenes. They will also walk through each section beat by beat and notate further blocking.

Memorization Techniques

by Lindsay Price

To apply memorization techniques as part of the goal of a staged scene with specific, dynamic blocking and three-dimensional characters. This lesson will focus on practicing a variety of memorization techniques.

Stage Pictures

by Lindsay Price

In this lesson, students explore a variety of ways to create dynamic staging pictures when blocking a scene. They will discuss the results and reflect on whether or not what they’ve learned should be added to their blocking.
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